Profitable pig farming in India
Commercial pig farming in India for meat production is yet to flare up. Also, it is one of the best and profitable business ideas for entrepreneurs. >>>... Read more.

A hot topic of A1 and A2 milk in India
Milk has been considered as elixir, next to water in this world. It is easily available and serves as a better food for the children's, patients, and old aged ... Read more.

The word zoonoses came from a Greek word ‘ZOO’ means animal and ‘NOSOS’ means disease. It was first introduced by Rudolf Virchow in 1880 to include coll... Read more.

Strategies to Eradicate Dog Mediated Rabies By 2030
Rabies is one of the oldest zoonotic disease known to mankind. In Sanskrit, the term rabies means ‘to do violence’. The threatful disease is causes by the L... Read more.

Microbial Diseases in Cattle
Livestock refers to any stock which is used for the production of items of commercial importance. It includes in a broad sense, all animals, birds, and other li... Read more.