Significance of nutritionally designer eggs
Designer eggs are those in which the content has been modified from standard egg. The content of the chicken egg can be changed in such a way as to be more heal... Read more.

Ruminal Microbial Protein Synthesis
Ruminal Microbial Protein Synthesis Ruminants are distinguished from the rest of the animals by the morpho-physiological adaptation of the upper part of their s... Read more.

Bypass Fat: Benefits in Cattle Nutrition
Dietary fat, which is not degraded in upper part of digestive tract (rumen) of animal, but gets digested in lower alimentary tract is known as bypass fat. This ... Read more.

Current Availability and Future Requirements of Livestock Feeds
Almost the entire quantity of dry fodder comes from the cultivated crops, mainly from cereals as straws. Of the 757 Mt of green fodder consumed by livestock, ab... Read more.

Processing of Roughages to improve its quality
The feeding of ruminant livestock in many countries of the world is dependent on readily available low quality roughages or crop residues. In poorer countries t... Read more.