Brainstorming Meet on Upsacling Backyard Poultry held at ICAR-DPR, Hyderabad


10 August 2019: ICAR-Directorate of Poultry Research, Hyderabad organized a “Brainstorming Meet on Upsacling Backyard Poultry to improve its share to total poultry production in India on 8-9th August 2019. Higher officials (Director, Additional Directors, Joint Director and Assistant Directors) from 9 state animal husbandry departments and 4 ATARI s (Directors and Principal Scientists) participated in the meeting

 Dr. J K Jena, Deputy Director General (Fisheries and Animal sciences), ICAR New Delhi was the chief guest of the function. He emphasized the importance of line departments and KVKs in disseminating the technologies developed by ICAR institutes to end users and farmers. He hoped that this kind of brainstorming meet will help in understanding the expectations and new challenges of various stakeholders of poultry industry and backyard poultry in particular. He applauded ICAR-DPR for initiating such meet to reach maximum numbers of users with technologies developed by the institute.

ALSO READ :  Scientific Backyard Poultry Production: An Approach for Livelihood Enhancement of Rural Farmers of Ropar District

Dr. R.S. Gandhi, ADG (Animal Production and Breeding) the guest of honour deliberated upon the various statistics of poultry development and how backyard poultry can help in doubling farmers income.

Dr. R.N. Chatterjee, Director, ICAR-DPR, Hyderabad welcomed all dignitaries and delegates. He narrated in details the objectives of conducting this meet and how backyard poultry varieties developed by the Directorate is  improving soci-economic and nutritional status  of farmers across length and breadth of the country. He also narrated several success stories of varieties developed ICAR-DPR and AICRP centers on Poultry Breeding   like Vanaraja, Gramapriya, Srinidhi ,Pratpdhan, Himsmridhi, Jhaarsimetc.

ALSO READ :  Alternative Feed Resources used as Energy Sources in Chickens

Dr. C. R. Prasanna( IAS),  Director, Directorate of Veterinary Services, Chhattisgarh stated the objectives, status and constrains of poultry development in Chhattisgarh. He mentioned in brief the importance of quality germplsam, alternate feed ingredient and developing skilled work force through scientific training.

Director, Additional Directors and Deputy Directors of various state animal Husbandry Departments and Directors of ICAR-ATARI participated in two days meet. The programme was co-ordinated by Transfer of Technology section of the Directorate.

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