Care of Dogs during Diwali Festivities


Diwali is perhaps the greatest festival in Hindustani culture. It has been celebrated since ages by a huge chunk of population. The festivities varied quite a lot during different era. The modern way of celebrating Diwali includes bursting a good quantity of fire crackers that produce sudden and very loud noises of reasonably high pitch. There is almost non-stop bursting of crackers/fireworks during early night hours. The dogs (pets as well as stray), being too sensitive to this continuous production of noise, become restless. Quite a good number of dogs even run away from their owner’s homes. Many dogs start exhibiting signs of anxiety or stress owing to sudden thundering noises.

Dogs are more sensitive to sound stimuli as compared to humans. This can be easily judged from the fact that the auditory pain threshold in dogs is approximately 95 decibels while the same for humans is 130 decibels. It implies that the noise which an owner of the dog perceives as loud will be even louder for the pet. Fireworks usually produce sound of 190 decibels. Noise stimuli often make the muscles tenser, thereby, eliciting painful sensation which makes the dog appear to shiver.

The sound sensitive dogs may develop a wide variety of symptoms including restlessness, continuous barking, trembling, arched back, panting (even during cold night hours, that too without doing any exercise), drooling of saliva, chewing without having anything in the mouth, digging earth, hiding in lonely places usually under beds/cots or behind sofas, involuntary urination and defecation or aimless running. A few dogs may inflict self injuries while others may be involved in attempts to escape.

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The behavioral changes may be followed by overstimulation of sympathetic nervous system which is responsible for reduced immunity in the long run. The affected dog may also become prone to hypertension, fatigue, exertion and other related problems.

Along with loud noises, firecrackers also produce harmful particulate matter which is toxic on inhalation. Moreover, the residues of fireworks and firecrackers are also toxic on ingestion and the dogs are very much curious to explore such type of leftover. Carelessness while using fireworks can also cause serious burns, wounds or other type of mutilations in dogs.

There is no specific treatment for such type of noise-phobia. However, a few easy measures can save the situation from becoming horrible.

  1. It will always be a better idea to stop using firecrackers/fireworks on the occasion of Diwali. This type of commitment will save and preserve many things like money, property, environment, human health, animal health etc. The occasion can be made more joyful by employing other means like laser beams/lights.
  2. The dogs may be provided evening meals a little bit early. After usual toiletries, the dogs may be allowed to remain indoors. The doors and windows should be closed and curtains be drawn so as to avoid crackers’ noise reaching dogs’ ears. The premises/haven where the dog has to be housed temporarily must be comfortable and familiar to him.
  3. Another way of distracting dogs from sudden noises is to keep the radio or television set on.
  4. The dog should not be left alone. Any family member must stay along with the dog. This will reduce the stress level, if any, to a great extent.
  5. Any kind of sporting activity can also help in distracting the dog from outside noises.
  6. The firecrackers, sweets and other related items must be kept at safer places not accessible to pets.
  7. If you already know your dog is very much sensitive to loud noises, then, you should allow your dog undergo rigorous exercise before the festivities begin. This will burn lot of energy reserves of your dog making him/her sleepy. It will be a better idea to allow your dog select a safer place for him to sleep. If he is used to sleep with blanket, then, he must be covered, rather wrapped, with blanket. It will also help in hindering the noises reaching dog’s ears.
  8. Each dog must wear his/her neck-collar. Owner’s contact details must be pasted on the collar. This will help in locating the dog in case he flees.
  9. It should be ensured that the stray dogs or other animals are quite away from the place where the crackers are fired or burst.
  10. Children should not be allowed to harm any stray animal out of fun.
  11. A first-aid kit should be kept handy in case you encounter any injured dog. The kit must include a dressing material, an antiseptic solution, vials of analgesic and styptic medicines, cotton, a piece of alum, a pair of scissors etc.
  12. If a lost pet is encountered, he should be secured in a safe place under your custody till he is handed over to his genuine owner.
  13. One must know the signs of anxiety/ stress that can develop in a dog when he happens to encounter loud noise.
  14. If the above listed measures prove fruitless and the dog is becoming more and more aggressive with time, then, immediate veterinary intervention should be sought. Analgesics, tranquilizers or even psychopharmacological interventions may be considered.
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All these steps, if undertaken seriously, can make your Diwali unforgettable. You can fully enjoy the festivities alongside your pets.

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