The ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research Institute celebrated its 131st Foundation day


The ICAR- Indian Veterinary Research Institute has completed 130 years of glorious service to the nation. On this momentous occasion, in his inaugural address, the Chief Guest, Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra, Secretary (DARE) & DG (ICAR) congratulated entire IVRI community present & past who worked hard towards the growth of the institute. While praising the efforts, he cautioned one and all that complacency may hamper growth so there is need to work even harder to contribute to nation building through cutting edge research in frontier areas of animal sciences. The research should also be taken up on animal behavior to meet their needs precisely, so that production could be taken up in animal friendly manner, he emphasized. He urged the scientists to work for the livestock development towards farmers’ all round benefits. At personal levels too everyone must contribute to make work atmosphere congenial for better organizational productivity, he exhorted.

Dr. B.N. Tripathi, Deputy Director General (Animal Science), ICAR while congratulating the IVRI scientists, officers, staff and students, applauded the Institute’s remarkable works and efforts for its all round development. He stressed that the IVRI should strive hard to develop and modernize infrastructure towards improving research eco-system.

On this occasion, Golden & Silver Jubilee Pillars of P&C Division & CAFT, respectively were unveiled and two IVRI Technologies and two Mobile Apps were released by Hon’ble Chief Guest- Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra. Dr. B.P. Mishra, Director, ICAR-IVRI, Izatnagar, Uttar Pradesh presented the historical milestones since establishment of the institute in 1889 and shared its achievements in the areas of animal health, production research alongside technology transfer for the welfare of farming community. The programme was attended by the directors of several ICAR institutes, former directors of IVRI, Members of Academic Council & RAC of IVRI, besides, scientists, staff & students. Dr. S.V.S. Malik, Scientific Secretary to the Director & Head, VPH Division presented the vote of thanks.

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Source: ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Uttar Pradesh

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