Role of veterinarians in fight with corona virus (COVID-19) pandemic
The corona virus (COVID-19) pandemic, caused by SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) is considered as one of the most devastating pandem... Read more.

Feeding of Area Specific Mineral Mixture to Dairy Animals: Need of the Hour
There is an urgent need of development of area specific mineral mixture (ASMM) for different regions and states of the country in order to ensure supplementatio... Read more.

Antibiotic Residues in Milk and Milk Products: A Global Challenge for Health and Dairy Industry
Milk and milk products being rich sources of nutrients serve as good mediums for the growth of various micro-organisms thereby responsible for either their spoi... Read more.

Organic Livestock Products: A Treasure for Healthy Life
Today in every household one or the other person is suffering from a number of diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, autoimmune diseases, inflammatory diseas... Read more.

Myths and Facts about Dairy Farming Practices and Management
Though dairy farming is becoming Hi-tech due to adoption of modern practices, equipment and techniques, yet this sector is influenced with certain myths which a... Read more.