A review on innovative concepts in feeding management of goats: current challenges and future perspectives
The goats act as a potential tool for poverty reduction in India. Economic losses of goats due to mortality and morbidity at the micro and macro levels are crit... Read more.

Aloe vera: Immortal plant for livestock feeding to enhance nutraceutical value of milk
Over the decades, antibiotics usage for curtailing animal infections has paved the way for the emergence of the multifaceted problem globally called "Antimicrob... Read more.

Feed Passage Syndrome- A Multifaceted Problem in Broilers
Broilers are mostly affected by feed passage syndrome seen in commercial farms from decades in our country. "Passage of digested or undigested feed in broiler f... Read more.

Gut health: an emerging concept for sustainable animal production in ruminants
The human population is going to hit 9.2 billion by 2050. Ruminants play a crucial role in meeting the demand of animal origin foods (milk and meat). Besides, s... Read more.