These dogs are trained to sniff out the coronavirus. Most have a 100% success rate
What does a pandemic smell like? If dogs could talk, they might be able to >>>
What does a pandemic smell like? If dogs could talk, they might be able to >>>
The whole world is reeling under severe health and economic crisis under COVID-19. It has affected more than 190 lakhs people of about 213 countries or territor >>>
The Punjab Government is leaving no stone unturned to meet the challenges posed by the >>>
A pilot training program utilizing scent detection dogs to discriminate between samples from COVID-19 positive >>>
Currently, the ongoing pandemic of COVID-19 has become a health emergency of international concern. Therapeutic agents >>>
Humans and animals share many diseases. And as dramatically shown by the tigers that tested positive in the Bronx Zoo, the coronavirus is one of them. As three veterinary epidemiologists who study infectious disease, we have been asked a lot questions about if and how the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 affects pets. >>>
COVID-19 raises crucial questions about how best to move forward from the pandemic and its >>>