Fetotomy: and its Clinical Application
It is well known that dystocia cases must be dealt with promptness and due care, because any delay can result in abnormal peurperium or even risk for life of fetus and/or dam. The most important >>>
It is well known that dystocia cases must be dealt with promptness and due care, because any delay can result in abnormal peurperium or even risk for life of fetus and/or dam. The most important >>>
Obstacles due to foetal monstrosities during parturition leads to dystocia and it is commonly observed in bovine. Dystocia due to dicephalus monster calf and its successful management by caesarean >>>
Bruises, lacerations and rupture of birth canal Etiology Calving difficulties/ dystocia. Rough handling of the calf . Rough handling of the maternal tissues. Careless use of obstetrical instruments. >>>
Endometritis, which implies inflammation of the endometrium, is a common condition of the cow. It does have a profound effect upon the fertility of the animal. >>>
Dystocia means difficult birth. It is an emergency. It necessitates its early handling by an obstetrician/V.O. in order to save the life of calf/ dam or both. Causes of Dystocia Basic causes >>>
Dystocia means difficult birth. It is an emergency condition and necessitates its early handling by an obstetrician/V.O. in order to save the life of calf/ dam or both. Causes of Dystocia Basic >>>
Egg binding/dystocia is an emergency condition in which delayed passing of the egg through the reproductive tract and it is a life threatening condition if not treated at appropriate time. Mostly female birds which are not exposed to mate are commonly affected. >>>