Metritis in buffaloes: A Menace to Dairy industry
Metritis is one of the most important economically important diseases in buffaloes that leads to a drastic reduction in milk yield, delay in uterine involution >>>
Metritis is one of the most important economically important diseases in buffaloes that leads to a drastic reduction in milk yield, delay in uterine involution >>>
It is a disease caused by a pox virus. In this, 2 to 5 cm diameter lumps fall in the body of cow buffalo. For this reason, this disease is called lumpy skin disease in colloquial language. These knots are mainly around the head, neck, udder various genitals. Which later turns into a deep wound. >>>
Infectious canine hepatitis (ICH) is a disease of dogs caused by Canine adenovirus A (Family Adenoviridae, Genus Mastadenovirus) type 1 (CAdV-1) occurs worldwide which is more frequently observed in dogs less than 1 year of age and is clinically characterized by corneal edema. >>>
Anthrax can be contracted through indirect or direct contact with anthrax spores, such as touching, breathing, or swallowing them. The bacteria proliferate, spread, and create toxins after anthrax spores enter your body >>>
Infectious diseases in animals pose a serious and continuing threat to food security, food safety, national economies, biodiversity and the rural environment. An infectious animal disease can spread >>>