3rd International Seminar on Veterinary Ayurveda In 8th World Ayurveda Congress


Date: 17 December 2018
Venue: National Dairy Development Board (NDDB), Anand Veterinary Ayurveda

The domestication of livestock is integral part of any civilization. Looking after the health of the animal is as old as domestication. There are references by the ancient Egyptians using around 250 medicinal plants and 120 mineral salts for management of animal diseases. One of the world’s richest and most efficient ethnoveterinary health tradition exists in the villages of India. Ethno-veterinary Medicine (EVM) in India has a documented history of around 5000 years. There exists codified veterinary knowledge in the form of medical texts, manuscripts on various aspects of veterinary care such as health management of cattle, horses, birds and elephants. The codified medical traditions share a similar worldview as that of the oral folk traditions, but they also contain sophisticated clinical theory apart from practical therapies. This knowledge is available in the form of manuscripts called Veterinary Ayurveda, viz Mrugayurveda (Ayurveda for Animals), Pashupakshishastra (Ayurveda for birds), Hasthyayurveda (Ayurveda for elephants), Ashwayurveda (Ayurveda for horses) etc. Understanding the etiopathogenesis and its management of animal diseases through Ayurveda is need of the day.

ALSO READ :  Herbal Medicine: A cure ignored in animals


9.30-10.30 Inauguration
10.30-11.00 Coffee /Tea break
11.00-11.20 Key note 1
Expanding the vision of India’s Veterinary Sciences: Padmashri Darshan Shankar VC, TransDisciplinary University Bangalore
11.20-11.40 Key note 2
Role of Veterinary Universities in mainstreaming Ethnoveterinary and Veterinary Ayurveda Medicines: Dr C Balachandran VC, Tamilnadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (TANUVAS), Chennai
11.40-12.00 Key Note 3
Alternatives for reduction of AMR, field experience: Dr C Balachandran, (Retired prof. of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxioclogy, TANUVAS)
12.00-12.20 Lead Speaker 1
TDU experience in documentation to field application of EVP and reduction of Antibiotics in dairy farming: Dr MNB Nair Emeritus Professor, Head, Ethnoveterinary Sciences and Practices Trans Disciplinary University, Bangalore
12.20-12.40 Lead Speaker 2
Building grass root cadre for ethnoveterinary extension : An Action Research with 7500 Pashu Sakhies: Mr Sanjeev Kumar, *ASHOKA Fellow * Founder Adviser – The Goat Trust
12.40- 13.00 Lead Speaker 3
Alternative Medicines for Small Animal diseases management: Dr Juliet Decaestecker, Integrative Veterinarian Belgian Veterinary acupuncture society
13.00-14.00 LUNCH
14.00-14.20 Lead Speaker 4
Dr AM Thaker Dean, COVAS, AAU
14.20-14.40 Lead speaker 5
Role of EVP in Addressing the Infertility in Dairy Animals: Dr Sathesh Kumar, Prof and Head Dept of Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics TANUVAS
14.40- 15.00 Lead Speaker 6
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and NDDB’s interventions: Dr S K Rana, Head, Animal health group NDDB, Anand
15.00-15.30 Lead Speaker 7
Dr Getachew Gebru, President ESAP, EHIOPIA

ALSO READ :  XXXVI Annual Conference and National Symposium of Indian Poultry Science Association

Experiences from Milk Unions on Ethno medicines
15.30-15.45: Sabarkantha Milk Union:  Dr Samir Patel, Project In charge, Mastitis control Popularization Project (MCPP)
15.45-16.00: Bangalore Milk Union Dr Krishna Reddy, General Manager Project In charge, MCPP
16.00-16.15: Mysore Milk Union Dr Priya Lakshmi, Project In charge, MCPP
16.15-16.30: Kolhapur Milk Union Dr V Magare, Project In charge, MCPP
16.30-1645: Tea/Coffee break
16.45-17.00: Krishna Milk Union Dr D Prasad, Project In charge, MCPP
17.00-17.15: Ludhiana Milk Union Dr Amandeep Kaur, Project In charge, MCPP

Panel Discussion: Way forward on research and education of EVP and Veterinary Ayurveda NDDB/VCI/DADF
Concluding remarks Executive Director-1

WAC Secretariat
World Ayurveda Foundation
107/1, Margosa Road, Between 13th & 14th Cross
Malleswaram, Bengaluru-560 003
Phone: +91 80 2346 7439, 4214 0442
E-mail: veterinary@ayurworld.org
General Enquiry: info@ayurworld.org
Website: www.ayurworld.org

For Registration, please contact
Dr Kumar S K
Phone: 9845103838
E-mail: dr.kumar@tdu.edu.in drkumarsk@gmail.com

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