Haryana is the home tract of world famous ‘Murrah’ buffaloes


12 September 2019: Haryana has a prominent place in the livestock map of the country. In spite of being one of the smallest state with only 1.3 per cent of total geographical area, Haryana possesses 2.5 per cent of the bovine population of the country, but contributes 98.09 lakh tonnes milk per year which is more than 5.6 per cent of the nation’s total milk production. The per capita per day milk availability of the State is quite high at the rate of 1005 grams against the national average of 375 grams.

While stating this here today, a spokesman of the Animal Husbandry and Dairying Department said that Haryana is the home tract of world famous ‘Murrah’ buffaloes popularly known as ‘black gold’ and cattle Milch breed ‘Hariana’ cow. The State has since long been the prime source of Murrah germplasm for other States and abroad for up-gradation of their low yielding, nondescript buffaloes. The spokesperson said that Animal Husbandry activities play a pivotal role in the rural economy through in form of income generation, socio-economic upliftment and employment generation.

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He said that the State Government has taken certain steps for providing quality animal health services to meet needs of livestock and pet owners. Specialist Veterinary Surgeons have been deputed in all district Veterinary Hospitals for providing specialized services to livestock. Diagnostic facilities have been made available for animals in Veterinary Diagnostic Centres in all districts. Pet hospital have been established for providing specialized treatment to pets. Indoor care facilities are being provided in pet hospitals for admitting critical ill patients. Short stay hostels have been established for pets to provide residential facilities for pets during out station visits of pet lovers. Apart from this, skill development centres have been set up to train of unemployed youth for entrepreneurship in animal husbandry activities. The Department will run educative programs and public contact through extension activities in collaboration with Lala Lajpat University, Hisar and VLDD/BVSc colleges in State.

ALSO READ :  Minister, Mr. Jai Prakash Dalal said Farmers will be given Pashu Credit Card for animal husbandry in Haryana

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  1. epashupalan: Livestock News, Livestock information, Animal Husbandry

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