Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra DG-ICAR applauded the scientists for their tremendous efforts to enhance the good health of the livestock


1 November 2019: The Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi; International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR); Arid Zone Research Association of India and Trust for Advancement of Agricultural Sciences (TAAS), New Delhi jointly organized a “National Dialogue on Land Use for Integrated Livestock Development” at the National Agricultural Science Centre Complex today.

The Chief Guest, Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra, Secretary (DARE) & Director General (ICAR), applauded the scientists for their tremendous efforts to enhance the good health of the livestock. He emphasized on the land use plans as the greatest need of the hour. Dr. Mohapatra also accentuated on ensuring the quality of land for better production. The Director General stated that the wet lands are being used for feeding the animals in the Eastern India. He urged to have a prompt diet schedules for rearing livestock in good and healthy conditions. He also opined to carry out the livestock grazing in such a way that would prevent the destruction of important crops effectively.

Dr. Mohapatra urged the farmers to carry out livestock’s health check-ups regularly. He also accentuated on livestock’s nutritional aspect for enabling to have better and enhanced productivity in a longer run. The Director General emphasized on the involving the private entrepreneurs for realizing the vision more effectively.

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Dr. Joykrushna Jena, Deputy Director General (Animal & Fisheries Sciences), ICAR accentuated that the importing of livestock plays an important role in realizing the Hon’ble Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi’s vision of doubling the farmers’ income by the Year – 2022. The livestock is deemed to be the bread earning partner for the small and marginal farmers. So, keeping the livestock healthy and disease free is one of the most important duties of the farmers.

Dr. Jena stressed on the major problems of feed and fodders that the small and marginal farmers face. He urged to look for effective measures for ensuring the proper balance between the feed and fodders of the livestock. He also opined for effective measures for ensuring the prompt number or size of livestock with a farmer. This would help to have good and healthy livestock.

Dr. R.S. Paroda, Former Director General (ICAR) & Chairman, TAAS accentuated on the effective use of land in ensuring the effective development of the livestock in the country. Dr. Paroda emphasized on taking-up effective measures for ensuring the balance between demand, supply and marketing of the fodder and livestock feed in the country. Dr. Paroda stressed on nutritional security of livestock as vital for enhancing the farmers’ income. He also urged the youths to be trained and choose the livestock rearing as their career options.

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Dr. H. Rahman, Regional Representative, South Asia, ILRI briefed about the organization’s major contributions made in the development and enhancement of good and healthy livestock around the globe. He emphasized about the organizations’ main aim to provide food and nutritional security to the small and marginal farmers of the world and the country in particular. Dr. Rahman stated about the commitment of the ILRI for providing the livelihood to the small and marginal farmers along with ensuring the sustainable animal agriculture in the world. He emphasized that the livestock provides livelihood to around 1.3 Billion poor people along with providing 39% protein to the globe. So, their protection from diseases and enhancement in productivity is essential to ensure the good livelihood of the farmers.

Earlier, in his welcome address, Dr. Gurbachan Singh, Trustee, Trust for Advancement of Agricultural Sciences (TAAS), New Delhi briefed about the two day-long programme. He regarded the livestock as the farmers’ real treasure. Dr. Singh accentuated that for the small and marginal farmers, the health and productivity of the livestock plays a pivotal role in earning their livelihoods. So, it should be the uttermost duty of the farmers to ensure good health of their livestock. He also stressed on the feed and fodder-efficient livestock.

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The main aim of the dialogue was to discuss and prepare a roadmap of the various measures to be taken to enhance the good quality of livestock in the country. The Senior Officials of ICAR, ILRI, CGIAR and TAAS were also present during the occasion.

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