Indigenous cow urine upregulates the immunity


Cowpathy is just like any other system of therapy such as Homeopathy, Allopathy or Naturopathy. In this, the human or animal ailments are treated with products of cow also known as Panchgavya means five things derived from cows i.e. milk, ghee, dahi, urine and dung. In our ancient literature of Ayurveda it is described as Panchgavya Chikitsa. In recent years, interest has been generated among scientific community of the world to develop or scientifically validate the Indigenous Technical Knowledge (ITK) as an alternate therapeutic or preventive approach.

Immunity is the resistance of body against extraneous etiological factors of disease, which is afforded by the interaction of chemical, humoral and cellular reactions in body. This is an integral part of the body without, which one cannot think of life. During the process of evolution, nature has provided this defense mechanism in the bodies of all living creatures particularly of higher animals and man, that protects them from physical, chemical and biological threats. It can be classified as natural or para specific and acquired or specific immunity.

Immunomodulatory properties of cow urine distillate in mice recorded an increase in humoral and cellular immunity of 45% and 58%, respectively. The parameters used to assess immunity were B- lymphocyte blastogenesis, T-lymphocyte blastogenesis, serum IgG and IgM levels. The cow urine also stimulated the production of interleukin 1 and 2 by 16% and 21%, respectively, from peripheral blood leucocytes of mice. The phagocytic activity of macrophages was enhanced by 104% in mice treated with cow urine in comparison to controls. In

another important study effect of cow urine on the lymphocytes damaged by pesticides was observed. It was found that cow urine decreases the apoptosis caused by the pesticides and heavy metals in avian lymphocytes. Thus, corroborating to some extent with the findings that cow urine help in repair of broken DNA. The antioxidant properties of cow urine distillate includes protection of DNA and its repair. The cow urine distillate protected the chromosomal aberrations caused by mitomycin-C in human leucocyte culture. Cow urine has a high antioxidant status

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as indicated by its ability to destroy the free radicals. However, there have been many reports of breakdown of immunity of animals and/or man due to pesticides and in spite of proper vaccination, diseases do occur in vaccinated population. Though various reasons have been suggested as cause of vaccinal failure but there seems to be an important factor associated with pesticide residues in food chain that leads to immunodeficiency in animals and man.

Experiments were planned to study the effect of cow urine on B- and T-lymphocytes treated with pesticides and the results are quite encouraging. Cow urine protected the cells up to 55% from the deleterious effects of pesticides.

The urine of indigenous cow is also compared with the urine of other animals such as crossbred cows, buffaloes, goats, exotic cows and hill cows. It has been observed that the urine of indigenous and hill cows is quite effective as far as the immunomodulation is concerned. This finding is further supported by the presence of “Rasayan” in the urine of indigenous cows as observed through HPLC analysis. Cow urine has immense potential of being used as an immunomodulator particularly along with antibiotics and/or vaccines in order to enhance their activity. It has been found to enhance the body’s immunity and resistance power to fight with infections. Cow urine has antioxidant properties and thus it neutralizes the oxidative stress produced in body through action on free radicals. It has been found to repair the damaged DNA and thus is effective for the cancer therapy. Cow urine enhances the immunocompetence and improves general health of an individual. It has vital potential to enhance the activity of macrophages and lymphocytes (both T and B cells), and has been reported to increase the

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humoral and cellular mediated immunity. Increased immunecompetence of an individual is a very essential parameter to prevent the occurrence of new diseases and development of cancers by several mechanisms; of which the upregulation of lymphocyte proliferation and stimulation activity, increased macrophage activity, higher antibody production and increased synthesis and secretion of cytokines (IL-1, Il-2) plays significant role. In future, it can be given as an ideal immunomodulator (biovaccine) to protect man and animals from various diseases. Various formulations can be prepared in the form of capsules in order to make it palatable and more acceptable in society which can also protect the population from the dangerous corona virus infection.

Further Reading

  1. Banga RK, Singhal LK and Chauhan RS. 2005. Cow urine and immunomodulation: An update on cowpathy. International Journal of Cow Science, 1(2): 26-29.
  2. Chauhan 2013. Indigenous cow urine and Immunomodulation. Journal of Immunology & Immunopathology. 15:19-22.
  3. Chauhan RS, Singh BP and Singhal 2001. Immunomodulation with Kamdhenu ark in mice. Journal of Immunology and Immunopathology, 3: 74-77.
  4. Dhama K, Chauhan RS and Singhal 2005. Anti-cancer activity of cow urine: Current status and future directions. International Journal of Cow Science, 1(2): 1-25.
  5. Dhama K, Khurana SK, Karthik K, Tiwari R, Malik YPS and Chauhan RS. 2014. Panchgavya: Immune-enhancing and Therapeutic Perspectives. Journal of Immunology and Immunopathology,16: 1-11.
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1 Comment

  1. I am Veterinary Dr Surendra. My question is which component express the Immunomodulatory activity, if yes explain me of how to follow this treatment for cattle (mainly mastitis, viral diseases)

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