Achievement and Vision of IVA for Veterinary Council of India Election 2020


The President of Indian Veterinary Association (IVA) Dr. Chirantan Kadian has discussed achievements, vision and common manifesto of 11 candidates to be contesting on behalf of IVA in forthcoming Veterinary Council of India Election 2020. As a President of IVA the vision of Dr. Chirantan Kadian has successfully advanced a diversification strategy that has enabled the IVA to reach new heights, not only in India but Dr. Kadian has made his presence felt Internationally. Dr. kadian is elected to serve as Councilor, Commonwealth Veterinary Association in October 2019 and elected as Councilor, World Veterinary Association- Asia and Oceania in April 2020.

The list of 11 candidates to be contesting VCI Election 2020 on behalf of IVA is as follows:

  1. Dr. Chirantan Kadian (Serial number- 12)
  2. Dr. Patel Rajendra Kumar Shivarambhai (Serial number- 51)
  3. Dr. Mahesh Kumar Yadav (Serial number- 35)
  4. Dr. Parmod Panwar (Serial number- 50)
  5. Dr. Jitendra Prasad Bihar (Serial number- 25)
  6. Dr. Patra Subal Chandra (Serial number- 78)
  7. Dr. Ilang (Serial number- 21)
  8. Dr. M.K Srikanth (Serial number- 33)
  9. Dr. I.Ponnupandian (Serial number- 53)
  10. Dr. B. N. Shadakshara Murthy (Serial number- 72)
  11. Dr. Sontakke Umesh Balaji (Serial number- 77)


1. Introduction of Combined Vaccine of HS and FMD Under FMD CP Programme of Govt.of India.

  • We succeeded in getting combined vaccine of HS and FMD introduced in Haryana as trial project which will benefit the cattle, farmers, veterinarians, veterinary paraprofessionals, the state exchequer and human resource component including logistics. On completion of the trial project, it will be introduced throughout the country.

2. Advisory on Common Organogram and nomenclature of Veterinary Cadre for all states.

  • On IVA demand and perusal, and advisory with common nomenclature for state Animal Husbandry Department was issued on 6th November 2019. This uniformity will lead to further demand of parity of pay scales and allowances among all states of India.

3. Advisory for implementation of DACP to Veterinary Doctors of all states of India.

  • DACP has been accorded to Veterinary Doctors of Para Military Forces of India due to court case of Dr. C.S Sahukar, Dr. Ranvir Singh Gehlawat, DVA. IVA has pursued the case and is in process of implementation in DAHD after the amendment in the nomenclature in DAHD.

4. Election to Veterinary Council of India.

  • PCM filed a Public Interest Litigation in Hon’ble Punjab and Haryana High Court whereby Govt. of India was directed to hold long pending elections to Veterinary Council of India. Now, the process of elections that too online is going on at a brisk pace. The Indian Veterinary Practitioners Register has been updated from the year 2014-15 to 2018-19 The gazette notification regarding online voting procedures amendment and for the election to VCI under clause (g) of sub section (3) of section 3 of IVC act 1984 issued.

5. Implementation of Section 30(b) of Indian Veterinary Council Act, 1984.

  • PCM filed a Public Interest Litigation in Hon’ble Punjab and Haryana High Court whereby Govt. of India was directed to implement Section 30(b) of Indian Veterinary Council Act, 1984. A committee of 08 Directors of states was formed to give recommendations on the same. It is under process and we are following it. This will lead to creation of around 35 thousand more posts of Veterinarians and also quackery will be dealt a deadly blow and quality Veterinary Services made available to the animals owners of the Country.
ALSO READ :  Veterinary Council of India (VCI) will go for polls next month from August 20-22

6. Organization of International Seminar of IVA 2019.

  • Indian Veterinary Association organized International Seminar of IVA 2019 on July 26th-27th 2019 at NASC Complex, PUSA Road, New Delhi in which Hon’ble Minister Sh. P.C Sarangi, Hon’ble Secretary Sh. Tarun Shridhar, IAS, Dr. Parveen Malik, Animal Husbandry Commissioner, Dr. S.K. Gulati, Sh. Badrinaryan Choudhoury, BKS, Vice Chancellors, Directors, Scientists and delegates from all over India participated.
  • Organization of National Seminar at Guwahati on June 28th 2019.
  • Organization of National Seminar at Patna on September 09th 2019.
  • Joined Commonwealth Veterinary Association and Dr. Chirantan Kadian, President, nominated as Councilor India9.
  • Dr. Chirantan Kadian, President IVA, participated in OIE Regional Workshop on PPP mode at Kathmandu as IVA delegate on October 17th-18th 2019.
  • Indian Veterinary Association intervened with Pashu Chikitsak Parishad Haryana and got exemption orders from election duty from Punjab and Haryana High Court for States of Haryana and Punjab.
  • Indian Veterinary Association intervened in agitations of U.P Veterinary Association, Enumeration duty in livestock census from Enumerator to Supervisor in Tamil Nadu, election exemption duty in Jharkhand, Student Agitation in Madhya Pradesh, suspension of VAS in Chattisgarh and Veterinary Officers in U.P.
  • Indian Veterinary Association got the police case registered against Lady Vet in Telangana by CM Telangana withdrawn. IVA also led protests across the Country in brutal murder of Dr.Priyanka Reddy.
  • Indian Veterinary Association has been pursuing the various demands at the level of Central and State Govts. We organized a national press conference at Press Club of India on June 9th 2019 to thank Hon’ble Prime Minister of India for creation of separate Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying.
  • Indian Veterinary Association is actively perusing the long pending demand for creation of Indian Council of Fisheries and Veterinary Research (ICFVR). IVA presented a memorandum to P.P Mananiya Dr. Mohan ji Bhagwat Sarsangchalak and attended Pashu Vaidik Sneh Parivar Milan programme at Nagpur.
  • Indian Veterinary Association perused the demand for aid to State Veterinary Council’s and got a directive issued to all State Govts. to make budgetary provision to provide for salary and establishment costs.
  • Indian Veterinary Association is affiliate body of World Veterinary Association and Commonwealth Association and sharing all information with the State Associations and Life Members of IVA.
  • Indian Veterinary Association has become active member of National Task force on Rabies and Commonwealth Lab. on Rabies at Bengaluru.
  • Indian Veterinary Association is always responsive to the call of Veterinarians across the country.


  • Introduction and Implementation of Veterinary practice regulations in India.
  • Implementation of Section 30(b) of Indian Veterinary Council Act, 1984 whereby all dispensaries be manned by Veterinary Graduates leading to creation of more posts for Veterinary Graduates.
  • Immediate filling up of all vacant posts of Veterinary Officers in all states across the country.
  • Creation of Posts of Veterinary Officers in all states/ UT as per recommendation of Agriculture commission i.e. one VO per 5000 animals on immediate basis.
  • Parity in Internship Allowance to Rs 23, 500/- with Medicos for all Veterinary Internship students.
  • Parity in PG Allowance to M.V.Sc. and Ph.D. students with medicos.
  • In-service Post Graduation facility for all Service Veterinarian’s with full pay for updation of Professional knowledge.
  • Strengthening State Veterinary Councils.
  • Creating posts for Veterinarians as Food Safety Officer’s, Wild Life Veterinary Officer’s, Veterinary Officer’s in Municipal Corporations/Local Bodies and Pharmaceutical Industry.
  • Raising the standards of Veterinary Education and updation of curriculum.
  • Steps towards Constitution of Indian Council of Fisheries and Veterinary Research (ICFVR).
  • Creation of Veterinary extension services and Establishment of Pashu Vigyan Kendra in all districts of the country.
  • Introduction of combined vaccine of HS and FMD throughout the country.
  • Strengthening of surveillance network starting from supply of vaccine to quality of vaccine to field functionaries.
  • Setting up of and strengthening of Diagnostic setup across the country.
  • Implementation of Indian Veterinary Council Act 1984 in letter and spirit and required amendments as per situation and demands of today.
  • Accreditation of all CE programs by VCI at par with the world and increase inflow of foreign delegates to learn from our Indian speakers.
  • Creation of a structure of vaccine and other product and research for Indian origin Diseases and viruses.
  • Implement the long pending guidelines for companion animal practice in India and make animal breeding a legal and ethical practice.
  • To set up new guidelines for usages of essential Drugs n Medicines and to make them available to a registered vet.
  • Proposed changes in undergraduate and post graduate curriculum and develop specializations areas to develop quality care in companion animal practice.
  • Develop animal welfare wings among veterinary practice and sensitize the public toward animal compassion and care for the environment.
  • To develop short specialized courses in all fields of veterinary practices for vets in various veterinary colleges in India.
  • Free movement of Registered Veterinary Practitioners across States/UTs for practice in all forms as treatment surgery etc.
  • Focus on scientific advancements and encouraging specialization in the field of Veterinary profession.
  • Ensuring Parity in Pay Scales and Service Conditions to all the Veterinarians working for State Governments and Government of India.
  • Ensuring trainings for updation of knowledge and skills to all the Veterinary Professionals.
  • Ensuring conducive working conditions for Veterinarians.
  • Implementation of Dynamic Assured Career Progression (DACP) for all the Veterinarians working in Govt. of India and various State Governments as per the directives of Honorable Courts and Pay Commissions.
  • Non Practice Allowance (NPA) to all the Veterinarians working in Government sector and Veterinary Universities.
  • Filling up of all the existing vacancies in Veterinary Universities and Animal Husbandry Departments of respective State Governments to ensure high educational standards and better professional services.
  • Encouraging technological innovations in Animal Husbandry Practices for better service delivery to farming community.
  • Encouraging scientific research and developments for better disease diagnosis and treatment in Veterinary field.
  • Framing regulations on farm management, animal products, feed formulations, Medicine formulations, Veterinary Medical stores, Vaccine development and supply etc.
  • Regulations related to reduction of pain and suffering of animals, emphasis and Professional ethics and values.
  • Regulation of better institutional facilities for teaching, research and extension in all the Veterinary Colleges/Veterinary Polytechnic colleges/ Research Centers/ Training Institutions.
  • Ensuring better organizational structures in Veterinary & Animal Husbandry Departments in all States in India for providing promotional avenues to the employees at the earliest.
  • To develop a responsive and effective mechanism to check quackery in Veterinary Profession and making legal amendments in IVC Act,1984.
  • Security to Lady Veterinarians, empowerment and better service conditions for lady vets.
  • Entry of Lady Veterinarians into Remount Veterinary Corps (RVC).
  • Creation of Independent Poultry Science Department at UG level in all state Agricultural and Veterinary Universities.
  • Specialization in the PG courses relating to Poultry Science.
  • Inclusion of Fishery Sciences under the ambit of Veterinary Council of India.
  • On recommendation of IVA National Seminar on Restructuring and Strengthening of Veterinary Service Delivery in India held at Guwahati on June 28, 2019, the following competencies have been proposed to Govt. of India as AI Workers, Vaccinator, Data Entry Operator at Veterinary Hospital level. Follow up action is being done by IVA and State Governments directed to employ/train vaccinators and data entry operators on fix remuneration under NADCP, NAIP and INAPH. Our demand is to implement up to Government Veterinary Hospitals level.
  • Establishment of Pet Crematorium, Companion Animal Poly Clinics and Diagnostic Labs.
  • Public, Private Partnership in Research, Private Scholarship & Sponsorship, Short Internship Programme with Private Partners.
ALSO READ :  Dr. Kailash Uniyal, President of the Uttarakhand Veterinary Council, held a formal meeting today with Shri S.P. Baghel, Hon'ble Minister of State  Government of India, and Dr. Umesh Chandra Sharma, President VCI.

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