An Awareness on Internet Medical Knowledge


The Internet has transformed the way information is disseminated and accessed. Internet is a Network of computers all over the world that connect people and information 24 X 7. A Computer Network  comprising of a worldwide network of  servers that use the  Network Protocols to made possible data transmission and exchange for the assistance of the users. Presently, through internet we are now transmitting more knowledge and information than any other time in our history. The information in internet ranges from science, engineering, politics, current affairs, business, communication etc. In recent days, the medical information it was found that online to search for medical or health-related information is the first source of information for many people.

The use of the Internet as a source of medical information has become increasingly popular as more patients go online. Since, this 21st century is fully dominated by internet based society. Internet becomes a part of our daily life. The Internet has become one of the most important means to obtain health and medical information. It is often the first step in checking for basic information about a disease and its treatment. The search results are often useful to general users. Various search engines can play an important role in obtaining medical information for both medical professionals and lay people. However, the usability and effectiveness of various search engines for medical information have not been comprehensively compared and evaluated. Unfortunately, using of Internet medical knowledge makes way for serious health hazards instead of saving lives.

Effect on Quality of Health Care
Many concerns have been raised about the quality of online consumer health information and the possibility that poor information has detrimental effects on health. The information is often incomplete and sometimes inaccurate, although good quality material may be available. Especially, recent trends of people following internet knowledge to reduce obesity, cancer treatment, infertility issues, chronic diseases leads to newer issues.  Authenticity of the advice or information provided online should be verified.

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Lack of Updates and Variations
Beyond that, the true fact is that not all online databases will have the most upto date information about new medicines and treatments. There are currently several medical information websites that directly target the general population with the aim of providing information about health problems, self-care and prevention. However, this new technology also hides several shortcomings, such as : i) uneven quality of medical information available on the internet; ii).difficulties in finding, understanding and using this information; iii). Lack of access for the unconnected population; and iv). The potential for harm and risks of over-consumption.

The patients fails to identify the date on the article or database entry. Also, the presented information may differs from one database to another. it is important for patients to have access to medical information of high quality.

Further, the flow of information has basically changed, and physicians have less control over health information relayed to patients. Not surprisingly, this paradigm shift has elicited varied and sometimes conflicting views about the value of the Internet as a tool to improve health care.

Inviting Health Issues at Patient’s Own Risk
Those patients believing internet medical knowledge for serious diseases need to be aware that in case if it does not work or has a negative impact, their grievance may not have any legal standing.

The patient has to realize that, how sound will be the information or advice offered in such managed medical marketplaces and whether it is a financially better option than going to a regular doctor.

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Can anyone risk their health by accepting advice without undergoing a physical examination and is it a financially sound alternative?

Deprofessionalization of Medicos
The internet medical knowledge is changing the balance of knowledge between healthcare professionals and the public, empowering patients to become more involved in healthcare decision making and contributing to the deprofessionalization of medicos.

The professional power of medicos is being challenged by the public. Many patients starts googling leads to self-medication and using over the counter drugs. Finally, it leads to loss of trust or belief in physicians.

New digital technologies are often used by young generations, it creates a gap between the elders, rural people and certain ethnic minorities. Internet medical knowledge will cause unequal access to health services and health inequalities for example the poor, the homeless, those with limited formal education, disabled or elderly people and those in developing countries. Henceforth this digital divide may lead to health-divide among the haves and have not’s.

Effects on Patient – Physician Relationship
The biggest warning about online medical knowledge is that referencing an online database can never replace a personal visit to a qualified physician. Although, it’s nice to do some research before getting appointments, only a physician can render a competent analysis and prescribe an appropriate course of action. Relying on information available online can literally be hazardous to people’s health and extremely time consuming if a patient gets inclined to hypochondriac tendencies.

For educated people who know how to find useful information on the Internet regarding self-care and disease prevention, and who also know how to deal with the health care system, the Internet holds great promise. It is not recommended to believe whole heartedly internet medical knowledge for saving lives, not only in 2020, but for always. However, internet medical knowledge should be used to create health awareness among public regarding disease transmission aspects, vaccinations, vectors, control measures, health insurance policies, health institutions, etc. To be able to overcome these dangers, it is important that public health practitioners and health professionals be involved in the design, dissemination and evaluation of web-based health and medical information. Further, open discussion between doctors and patients about online health information and information-access practices, as well as the development of appropriate online resources for patients that are designed by qualified professionals. Finally, it’s sure, the untold sufferings of a patient will always be relieved completely by a good physician only, with love and care, never be replaced by googled knowledge.

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