Expanses of Dairy Farm and Their Management
As we know that any business can be successful only in that condition, if there is profit from that business. Profit from any business can be gained only if ea... Read more.

Housing for Dairy Cattle
An efficient management of cattle will be incomplete without a well-planned and adequate housing of cattle. Improper planning in the arrangement of animal housi... Read more.

Type classification Of Dairy Animals
During selection of animal for milk production, it should be ensured that body of animal should be able to sustain high level of production. >>>... Read more.

Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis
This disease is prevalent in most of countries of world. In India this disease is continuously growing at very fast pace among animals. This disease trans... Read more.

Placenta Ingestion in Animals- Benificial or Harmful
The habit of placenta ingestion of animals is called placentophagia. It is commonly seen that most of animals (domestic as well as wild) ingest their placenta a... Read more.

Record Keeping- An Important Aspect of Dairy Farming
Record keeping is one of the utmost important part of dairy business. The success or failure of any business is highly dependent on efficiency of record keeping... Read more.

National Animal Disease Emergency- Control and Management
Animal disease emergencies are significant public health component which might occur in a major outbreak of a zoonotic diseases. For these emergencies well deve... Read more.