Alternative Feed Resources used as Energy Sources in Chickens
Poultry industry in India is one of the fastest growing segments of the Agricultural sector and it is also a profitable agro industry which can reduce the probl... Read more.

Nutritional Management of Diseases in Geriatric Dogs
Living with a canine companion is postulated to increase physical activity. Every dog owner knows there are many benefits to having a dog, from getting themselv... Read more.

Selenium: Behavior with Soil and Plants and its Implication for Livestock Health
Selenium has long been recognized as a mineral toxic to animals, but only recently has it been shown to be a nutritional requirement. Selenium was reported esse... Read more.

Pesticides Residue: Potential Health hazards in Livestock
Contamination of the soil and water sources used for drinking purpose of animals also forms another source of pesticide residue in animals. The pesticides cover... Read more.

Phosphorus: Role in Rumen Fermentation Process in Ruminants
In Animal Nutrition, Phosphorus is one of the most important major mineral. It is the second most abundant element in an animal body after calcium, the major po... Read more.

Role of Lactoferrin in udder health of dairy animals
Lactoferrin (LF) is an iron-binding glycoprotein synthesized by specific granules in polymorphonuclear leukocytes and glandular epithelial cells since bacteria ... Read more.

Interaction of vitamins with infections in animals
Vitamins have diverse biochemical functions. Vitamin A acts as a regulator of cell and tissue growth and differentiation. Vitamin D provides a hormone-like >... Read more.

Nutritional Management of Heat Stress During Summer in Buffalo
Heat stress is temperature related stress, which induces thermoregulatory changes. During the extreme hot humid or hot dry weather, this thermoregulatory capabi... Read more.