राष्ट्रीय पशु आनुवंशिक संसाधन ब्यूरो

As early as in 1926, the then Royal Commission on Agriculture recommended that livestock production in India required research efforts in a planned and systematic manner. The commission had critically analysed the situation prevailing at that time and had stressed the need for the establishment of an Institution on Animal Genetics and Breeding. A beginning was made when a Genetic Research Unit was established at Imperial Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar in the early forties which gradually developed into a full-fledged division soon after independence. This acted as a stimulus and later genetic research on milk animals was started at National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal in the late fifties. In the early sixties, several agricultural universities and colleges too started research and training programmes in this important discipline of animal genetics and breeding.

With the realization of unique significance of tropical animal and poultry genetic resources and their potential utilization at global level, a need was felt for an organization which could undertake the responsibility of evaluating, certifying and conserving the rich and varied germplasm resources available in the country and whose genetic base is shrinking fast. Thus, the establishment of National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources/National Institute of Animal Genetics in 1984 was culmination of sustained efforts made by the leading geneticists in the country over the years.

The establishment of National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources/Institute of Animal Genetics was approved in principal during IV Five-Year-Plan. In this regard, effective follow-up steps were taken in this V and VI Five-Year-Plan. Finally, the Institute was set up on 21st September, 1984 at the campus at National Dairy Research Institute (Southern Regional Station), Bangalore.

The Institute was shifted to Karnal on 19th July, 1985 and temporarily located in the campus of National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal.

Postal Address:

National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources(NBAGR)
Makrampur Campus, G.T.Road Bye Pass, Near Basant Vihar, P.O.Box No. 129
Karnal-132001 (Haryana), India

Website: http://www.nbagr.res.in


Telephone: 91-184-2267918, Fax 0184-2267654