Care and Management of Pregnant Cows
Livestock rearing is the main source of income for the farmers. The profitability of cattle farming depends on its milk production per lactation. The pregnancy cows >>>
Livestock rearing is the main source of income for the farmers. The profitability of cattle farming depends on its milk production per lactation. The pregnancy cows >>>
The prenatal period is the most hazardous in the life of all animals. The main causes of prenatal morbidity and mortality are, in descending order of importance >>>
In hot summer, news of onset of monsoon provides relief to mankind but at same time it warns of the prevalence of diseases which can cause economic loss to the farmers .Certain precautions need to >>>
Calf management Remove the mucous from nose and mouth of the calf immediately after birth and allow the mother to lick the calf which helps to dry off the calf and helps to stimulate breathing >>>
Hydrocephalus is an accumulation of excessive fluid in dura matter or ventricles of the brain thereby leading to the swelling of the cranium (Long, 2001). Congenital hydrocephalus can be internal or >>>
For a calf, the care begins from the care of its mother during calving. Calving pen needs to be clean and comfortable to prevent calving problems. >>>