Animal Breeds
Gir Breed of Cattle
Gir is one of the best milkers among indigenous cattle. The body colour is shining red to spotted white. Skin is soft, thin, and glossy >>>
Gir is one of the best milkers among indigenous cattle. The body colour is shining red to spotted white. Skin is soft, thin, and glossy >>>
Murrah breed is originated around the southern parts of Haryana comprising the districts of Rohtak, Jind, Hisar, Jhajhar, Fatehabad, Gurgaon and the Union >>>
Sahiwal is one of the best dairy breed of cattle. Sahiwal originated from the Sahiwal district of Punjab province in Pakistan >>>
Red Sindhi important milch breed of cattle. The breed originated in the Sindh province of Pakistan, they are widely kept for milk production across Pakistan >>>