Comparison of Plant Protein and Animal Protein
Muscle mass maintenance requires a balance between muscle protein synthesis and muscle protein breakdown and gain in muscle can occur only when the synthesis exceeds the breakdown. >>>
Muscle mass maintenance requires a balance between muscle protein synthesis and muscle protein breakdown and gain in muscle can occur only when the synthesis exceeds the breakdown. >>>
Development of livestock sector is not only important for overall economic growth, but it is also essential for improving the economic condition of a large number of poor rural households >>>
In India, livestock sector plays an important role in improving the socio-economic conditions of farmers. 70% of livestock population is owned by landless and marginal farmers and thus, provides >>>
Introduction The milk production in India saw a quantum leap from 17 (Seventeen) million tonnes in 1950 to 187 (One hundred eighty seven) million tonnes in 2018-19. At global scale the meat prod >>>
The livelihood of the people in the country depends on farming and the animal husbandry is a major component of it. The animal products like milk, egg and meat complements to the crop based agriculture >>>
The use of veterinary drugs in livestock production is unavoidable as they are necessarily required to prevent or treat a disease. These substances are applied & administered to seve… >>>
Today in every household one or the other person is suffering from a number of diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, autoimmune diseases, inflammatory diseases, cancer, cardiac or developmental >>>