Comparison of Plant Protein and Animal Protein
Muscle mass maintenance requires a balance between muscle protein synthesis and muscle protein breakdown and gain in muscle can occur only when the synthesis exceeds the breakdown. >>>
Muscle mass maintenance requires a balance between muscle protein synthesis and muscle protein breakdown and gain in muscle can occur only when the synthesis exceeds the breakdown. >>>
Development of livestock sector is not only important for overall economic growth, but it is also essential for improving the economic condition of a large number of poor rural households >>>
These trainings are also useful for rural women as they can add more value to the milk by making Paneer, Khoa, Milk cake, Shrikhand, Ice-cream, Dahi, Lassi, Kaladi etc. >>>
Quality & Food-safety are important factors for ensuring safe, wholesome and hygienic milk and milk products to consumers and is also important for a sustainable operation in dairy sector. NDDB and >>>
ndia is one of the world’s largest food producers where processed food is merely 8% of the total produce. However, the country’s food processing market has immense potential in terms of production >>>
Milk is considered to be the “Ideal food” because of its abundant nutrients required by both infants and adults. It is one of the best sources for Protein, Fat, Carbohydrate, Vitamin and Minerals. >>>
Milk and milk products being rich sources of nutrients serve as good mediums for the growth of various micro-organisms thereby responsible for either their spoilage or causing infections/intoxication >>>