Packaged Animal Fodder


Central Government is implementing National Livestock Mission with a Sub Mission on Feed and Fodder Development since 2014-15 which was realigned during 2021-22. There is provision of 50% capital subsidy (maximum up to Rs. 50 lakhs) to the beneficiary for setting up of a fodder value addition unit for Hay/Silage/Total Mixed Ration (TMR) preparation, Fodder Block making units etc. Training on all aspects of Animal Husbandry practices including that of Packaged Animal Fodder has been included. In addition, State Animal Husbandry and Dairy Departments, National Dairy Development Board, Veterinary Universities and Institutes under Indian Council of Agricultural Research also provide guidance and training to the farmers, entrepreneurs on regular basis for packaged animal fodder.

Besides, Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund (AHIDF) is also operational since 2020-21 wherein the eligible entities are eligible for loan up to 90% of the project cost for Packaged Animal Fodder. A 3.0% interest subvention has been provisioned under the scheme.

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In general, to check the quality testing of packaged feed/fodder, a compliance with Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is practiced. Indian Standard, IS 2052:2009 ‘Compounded Feeds for Cattle – Specification (fourth revision)’, prescribes the requirements and the methods of sampling and test for compounded cattle feeds for buffaloes, cattle and working bullocks. This standard has been brought under mandatory BIS certification through directions under 16(5) of Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 issued by Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) vide orders dated 27 January 2020.As per this order, manufacturers of this product shall comply with the BIS specifications and it shall carry a BIS certification mark on the label of the products.

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Different States have introduced their own schemes to make available the packaged fodder to the dairy producers at affordable rates. Also, the schemes implemented by Central Government also enables increased availability of quality fodder at reasonable rates. This information was given by Union Minister for Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Shri Parshottam Rupala in a written reply in Lok Sabha today.

ALSO READ :  Total Mixed Ration (TMR) Feeding for Dairy Cows

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