38th Haryana State Level Livestock Exhibition Organized


Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal, while addressing the 38th State Level Livestock Exhibition organized in Bhiwani today, announced doubling the budget of medicines of the Animal Husbandry Department. He added that those selling spurious milk in the state would not be tolerated. More programmes will be run to improve the breed of milch animals and by promoting animal husbandry efforts will be made to eradicate unemployment and increase the income of farmers in the State.

Sh. Manohar Lal said that being a farmer himself, he understands the pain and sorrow of the farmers. The income of the farmer is also decreasing due to decrease in holding of land share. That is why efforts are being made by the government to increase the income of the farmers. He declared from the stage that problems may be many, their solution is only one.

While appealing to the farmers to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, the Chief Minister said that soon the government is going to organize a big conference on zero budget farming. By connecting the agricultural sector with scientific and new technology, the expenditure of the farmer can be reduced. Apart from this, we can make the land fertile by using dung manure, cow urine etc. The government is going to start an active campaign to strengthen the concept of zero budget farming.

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He said that many loan and grant schemes are being run to encourage allied businesses of agriculture like bee keeping, dairy, mushroom production etc. to increase the income of the farmer. By connecting the youth with such schemes, efforts are being made to curb unemployment. He further mentioned that sometimes instead of utilizing loan schemes wisely for the declared purpose, they are used for other purposes. Whereas repaying loan from the earnings for the said purpose will help the farmers to avail more loan in future.
He said that the government has taken initiative to connect the youth with self-employment. In this, animal husbandry has emerged as an effective business. Out of 38,000 applications 23,500 applications have come for dairy  and animal husbandry in the Antyodaya Parivar Utthan Melas being organised in the state.

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Agriculture Minister, Sh. JP Dalal said that the livestock exhibition has been successfully organized after two years due to the Covid pandemic. It will be organized every year. Farmers and livestock farmers have shown their complete enthusiasm in this fair. Two thousand quality breed animals were brought to this fair. Seeing which other farmers will also be inspired to improve their animal’s diet and breed. He said that 70 mobile vans would be started by the Animal Husbandry Department for ambulance service in the state. He added that the department is also going to introduce artificial insemination methods for goats.

During the programme MP, Dharambir Singh requested the Chief Minister to give incentive at the rate of Rs. 10,000/- to such farmers who do organic farming.

The programme was attended by Education Minister, Sh. Kanwar Pal, Chairman of Livestock Development Board, Sh. Randhir Singh Golan, MLA, Ghanshyam Das Saraf, MLA, Sh. Jogiram Sihag, MLA, Sh. Bishambhar Valmiki, Chairman of Gauseva Commission, Sh. Shravan Garg, The Vice Chancellor of Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Sh. BR Kamboj, Commissioner & Secretary to Government, Haryana, Animal Husbandry & Dairying Department Sh. Pankaj Agarwal and many other officials and dignitaries.

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