Junior Research Fellow under DST GOI project


A Walk-in interview for One position of Junior Research Fellow under DST GOI project will be held on 10.12.2019 at 11.30 AM in the office of The Joint Director, Animal Disease Research Institute (ADRI), (AICRP-ADMAS center), At-Phulnakhara, Po-Phulnakhara Cuttack, Odisha and all the position are co-terminus with the respective project. Candidates are required to bring testimonials in original and one set of self-attested copies of testimonials in original and one set of self-attested copies of testimonials & one passport size color photo along with completed application form (which may be downloaded from the website – www.nivedi.res.in, at the time of interview. Registration will be done between 10.30 a.m. and 11.30 a.m. only.

Junior Research Fellow (One Position)
Interview location/venue: Office of The Joint Director, Animal Disease Research Institute (ADRI), (AICRP-ADMAS center), At-Phulnakhara Po-Phulnakhara Cuttack, Odisha on 10.12.2019 at 11.30 AM

Essential Qualification: Post Graduate degree in professional course (Veterinary Extension/Dairy Extension/Animal Husbandry Extension/ Veterinary Preventive Medicine/Veterinary Public Health & Epidemiology /Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine/ Veterinary Epidemiology /Agricultural Economics/Dairy Economics/Livestock Economics/Agricultural Extension/Agricultural Extension Education)/Agricultural Statistics) from recognized university with NET or GATE

Desirable Qualification: Good command in English with scientific writing skill Communication in Odia language

Brief Job Description: Willing to travel to different locations in Odisha and anywhere in India to collect primary and  secondary data, animal samples and to interact with various stakeholders. Further, baseline data collection at different intervals, implementing the intervention strategies in the selected farms, communicating and coordination with various stakeholders.

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Remuneration: Rs.31,000 + HRA per month for first two years and Rs. 35000+HRA for third year

Age limit: 35 years for Men, 40 years for Women

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