Haringhata Black: An Indigenous Poultry Breed for Rural People


From the ancient period, human beings are dependent on the animal and birds. They were domesticated by human by various means for different purposes. Among all the birds and animals, poultry birds (fowl) are very much familiar to all. In recent scenario of India, 17 types of breeds have been developed and especially indigenous poultry breeds are reared because of their ability to fulfill the people particularly rural people’s demand. Haringhata Black is very good example of indigenous poultry breed.  HB can be used for starting backyard poultry farming, the cheapest way of farming through which rural people can sustain their livelihood by investing less and gaining more.

HB (Haringhata Black)
HB (Haringhata Black) is the homespun (Desi)  registered poultry breed of India, originated from Haringhata block of Nadia district, West Bengal and other adjacent area like Chakdah, Amdanga , Bongaon in dist. North 24 pgs. In regarding to their origin, I would like to draw some lines that contribution of Dr. S. Pan and other departmental professors cum doctors of West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences, Mohanpur, Nadia are noticeable. At first the poultry breed HB get to be extinct but later a project was initiated by which they have been successfully rescued from their previous condition through genetic purification. At first birds were reared in ‘RASHTRIYO MURGI KHAMAR’ situated in Haringhata block, West Bengal. Later on by artificial hatchery or incubator, their eggs are hatched and the population of the HB fowls has been increased.  They are highly various disease resistant i.e. fowl cholera, Pullorum disease, avian influenza etc. They can be brought up in free range system by women (90.7%) of rural area for economical purpose. In an organized farm, deep litter system is also applicable where they are immunized and watering, feeding and the bedding material is well organized. In event of rearing poultry, bedding material is very important to reduce the chance of litter borne diseases.

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They are used for both egg and meat purpose. They are mainly game bird and found to be good immuned. The ratio of male and female birds is 2:10(2cock and 10 hen). The body weight of male is generally between 1-2 kg. They started to lay eggs after 4months. They lay 100-120 eggs annually. Shell color of the egg is light brown. Their meat and egg satisfy most of the nutrients and rich in minerals and vitamins.

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Their body confirmation is compact, neither very big nor very small, like a layer bird.  The color of ear lobe and wattle is red. Comb color is red and normally single comb is present. Shank is white colored. The size of the male is slightly bigger than female one. Sickle feather and saddle feather only present in male body by which anybody can distinguish them easily.

They are very much demandable by the rural villager because of their broodiness and hatching ability. Broodiness is the behavioural tendency to hatch an egg. Due to their ability, they are used for hatching then other birds’ eggs like duck egg. Their mothering ability is also great. They can be kept on kitchen waste, mash, grain etc. They are well tolerated and   the power of survivality from predators and adaptability of the HB fowl in any circumstances is super.

It may be concluded that Haringhata black fowl is genetically superior and they play an important role in self- employment in those particular area where the poultry farming is the only source of income. Apart from that, the By- product obtained from them is also the way of income such as  feather can be used for making pillow, broom, other fancy things etc. over all, through selective breeding, vaccination,  the superiority can be widen. And also the role of village people of conserving this indigenous/ ‘Desi’ fowl breed is remarkable.

ALSO READ :  Pellet Feeding in Poultry

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