Veterinary Doctors Post in Uttarakhand Sheep and Wool Development Board


The Online Interview for Contractual Posts of (i) Chief Operating Officer –Post 01, (ii) Senior Manager – Finance and Accounts –Post 01, (iii) Veterinary Doctor – Post 03, (iv) Livestock Associate –Post 02 on purely contractual basis for implementation of NCDC aided project “Uttarakhand State Integrated Cooperative Development Project – Sheep & Goat Sector” on 8th August 2020 at 11:00 AM onwards.

Applications complete in all respects must reach the office of the undersigned By Hand or By Post or By E-Mail latest by 6th August 2020 at 5:00pm. Online Interview link will be shared to only shortlisted candidates through their E-mail Ids.

Name of Post

Nos Minimum Eligibility Criteria Remarks

Remuneration (Consolidated)




Chief Operating Officer





Mandatory Qualification:

·     BVSc & AH with MBA or equivalent.

·     15 year of experience in Meat Industry

·     Age not Exceeding 50 Years


Desirable Qualifications:

5 year experience in Export Oriented Meat Industry.







Rs. 2.50 Lakh pm

Senior Manager

– Finance and Accounts





with 10 years of relevant experience



Rs. 60,000.00 pm.


Veterinary Doctor



Mandatory Qualification:

·    BVSc & AH Desirable Qualifications:

·    02 years of relevant experience

Preferably Officers of the Rank of Veterinary Officer from Department of AH, Uttarakhand or through direct selection. 1.    Officers from AHD will not be eligible for any additional allowance.

2.     Other than AHD personnel will be paid Rs. 45,000.00 pm.


Livestock Associate




Relevant Govt. Recognized Training of 02 Years with 02 years of relevant experience and Age not exceeding 62 Years

Preferably Officers of the Rank of Livestock Extension Officer from Department of AH or through direct selection. 1.     Personnel from AHD will not be eligible for any additional allowance.

2.     Other than AHD personnel will be paid Rs 35,000.00 pm.


  1. Interviews will be chaired by Chief Project Director / Secretary, Animal Husbandry, Cooperatives, Govt. of Uttarakhand.
  2. The experience will be counted after acquiring the basic minimum qualifications.
  3. The above positions are purely temporary and will be filled on Contractual basis and the selected candidates shall have no right/claim for regular appointment.
  4. Candidates from Department of Animal Husbandry / Uttarakhand State Services will be required to get NOC from their respective department. They should enclose NOC or Proof of having applied for NOC along with this application form.
  5. USGCF will Shortlist the applications on the basis of criteria decided by the Scrutiny / Selection Committee. The candidates shortlisted thereof will be intimated accordingly by email/phone and only the Shortlisted candidates will be allowed to appear in the interview.
  6. Applications complete in all respects must reach the office of the undersigned By Hand or By Post or By E-Mail latest by 6th August 2020 by 5:00pm.OTHER TERMS & CONDITIONS
  7. The selected candidates will be under the administrative control of Managing Director USGCF.
  8. The engagement will stand terminated on completion of the tenure of the scheme or on the date stated in the sanction order of the scheme whichever is earlier whether so communicated formally on individual basis or not.
  9. If the selected candidate leaves his/her assignment without permission for one month, he/she will stand terminated from the date of his/her absence.
  10. Since the personnel will engaged for the scheme work full time, he/she will not be allowed to do any other work or to accept or hold another appointment with or without remuneration elsewhere.
  11. The selected personnel shall have no legal right to claim his/her regularization/ appointment by absorption or otherwise against any regular posts or any further contractual engagement on termination of the scheme/project. The engagement in the scheme is purely time-bound, nonregular and may be co-terminus with the scheme. The services of the incumbent shall stand terminated automatically on expiry of the period given in the sanction.
  12. The personnel will be full time worker and is required to adhere to the administrative, financial and disciplinary regulations of USGCF where the incumbent is working.


  1. Application form should be neatly typed or hand written in CAPITAL LETTERS.
  2. Enclose attested photocopies of relevant certificates / proofs wherever necessary. Application not in proper format or without documentary evidences will be rejected.
  3. Candidates from Department of Animal Husbandry / Uttarakhand State Services will be required to get NOC from their respective department. They should enclose NOC or Proof of having applied for NOC along with this application form.
  4. Applications complete in all respects must reach the office of the undersigned By Hand or By Post or By E-Mail latest by 6th August 2020 at 5:00 pm.
  5. “Name of the post applied for” should be clearly mentioned on the top of the envelope.
  6. USGCF will Shortlist the applications on the basis of criteria decided by the Scrutiny/ Selection Committee. The candidates shortlisted thereof will be intimated accordingly by email/phone and only the Shortlisted candidates will be allowed to appear in the interview.
  7. Candidates will be required to produce Original documents when asked for.
  8. USGCF reserves the right to cancel any Post or the Selection Procedure without any notice or reason thereof.

Managing Director USGCF

Click to download Application Form

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