VCI Election 2020 e-voting process Precisely Step by Step


Returning Officer appointed for Veterinary Council of India Election 2020 (VCI Election 2020) declared dates for holding election of members from amongst persons enrolled in the Indian Veterinary Practitioners Register of the Veterinary Council of India. Date of poll (online e-voting) is  20.08.2020 (Thursday) to 22.08.2020 (Saturday) (7.00 AM to 6.00 PM each day)

For online e-voting– Please follow these simple procedures as mentioned below :

  1. Go to web site At login page “search your username” if you do not know it. For that, select State then type your Name (as in Vet. Council certificate). Your login ID will come (in Red letters) that is your username kindly note it.
  2. If you know your username then directly type it in Username , type Captcha, then click *forget password.
  3. New dialogbox will open where again you have to type Username and put the given Captcha. Then press GET OTP. You will get OTP in your mobile.
  4. Put the OTP in the box & press SUBMIT. You will get Password in your mobile. Kindly note down the password.
  5. Now again reopen the website. Then using- Username, Password & Captcha login successfully.
  6. You will see “Are you sure, you want to cast your vote” press –Yes.
  7. You will see a list of Contestants in alphabetical order.
  8. In order to cast a vote click the “hand sign”👍 placed at the extreme right end of the Contestants’ name. BLUE hand will change to RED when you cast vote, you can vote for maximum of 11 votes.
  9. You can change your vote choice until press Final submit. To change vote against any particular candidate you press on the casted RED hand, it will become blue again. Then you can cast in lieu of that vote to some other candidate.
  10. After 11 votes press FINAL SUBMIT. Once you do it you will be logged out automatically. You can not log in again for voting after FINAL SUBMIT.
  11. After final submit, prompt appear Yes your vote will be saved & you will get a message of success on your screen. SMS will come to your mobile also confirming your Successful Voting.
  12. Time frame for casting your vote is 30 minute, within this 30 minute window you have to select 11 candidates and press Final submit button.
ALSO READ :  Achievement and Vision of IVA for Veterinary Council of India Election 2020
ALSO READ :  VCI Election 2020- Final result

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1 Comment

  1. An urgent Agenda to the winner VCI Tem, being a Student Lover Professor.Agenda No. 1. B V Sc & A H Degree did not get ‘MEDICO TECHNICAL STATUS’ till date which is not at per with MBBS Degree. Our Base Line must be uplifted. Every Veterinarian should feel concerned on this issue. I am casting my vote with the hope that coming winner Team VCI 2020 will sufficiently efforted to procure B V Sc & A H Degree MEDICO- TECHNICAL STATUS. My best wishes.

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