Punjab Government has decided to provide subsidy on fodder chopper machines


Animal Husbandry, Fisheries and Dairy Development Minister Punjab Mr. Tript Rajinder Singh Bajwa informed that with an aim to promote use of modern machinery in the field of dairy farming, Punjab Government has decided to provide subsidy on fodder chopper machines. The cabinet minister informed that under this scheme, milk producers from general categories would get Rs. 50,000 and milk producers from SC categories would be getting benefit of Rs. 63,000 on fodder chopping machines.

The cabinet minister informed that due to outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic, the farmers have been facing shortage of labor for their daily routine works. He added that citing the problem, the modernized machines would reduce the hardships of farmers by directly chopping the fodder from farms.

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Meanwhile, Director dairy development board Punjab Mr. Inderjit Singh said that induction of fodder chopper machines would improve the quality of feeding of livestock of farmers as these chops grass, maize, sorghum and other forage, in accurate particle sizes. He added that these machines have been technically recommended by experts for silage making and have also been ideal for fresh cut feeding. He said that these automatic machines cut the crops sown in lines and directly put the chopped fodder in the trollies which resulted in requirement of lesser laborers as compared to traditional methods of fodder cutting. He appealed the farmers to visit their nearest office of dairy development department to avail the benefits under this scheme.

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