Happy World Egg Day 2020: Nutritional importance overpower the myths of egg


Happy World Egg Day 2020 – Friday 9th October (Fig 1). International egg commission (IEC) Vienna 1996 conference has declared to celebrate World Egg Day every year on the second Friday of October month. World Egg Day is celebrated around the globe to promote egg consumption through augmenting awareness about eggs and special emphasis towards their nutritional importance. Chicken eggs are most common egg consumed by human being which varies in colour. Various slogans were came to raise awareness, most common are “Sunday ho ya monday roz khao ande” and “No better way to start a day”. Several campaign has been seen to celebrate World Egg Day 2020, like organized some webinars, quizzes, painting skill on egg, exploring new egg dish and distribution of egg etc. Now a day people made their own food habit i.e. Eggitarian other than vegetarian and non-vegetarian, this shows power of egg in our food. National egg coordination committee (NECC) said egg is “The tastiest multivitamin capsule in the world” other also gave complemented such as” Natures super food”, “Nature’s vitamin pill”

Fig 1: World Egg Day


In animal husbandry sector, Poultry is one of the fastest growing and most organized segments in India. The poultry industry includes broiler industry and layer industry. India has 3rd rank in egg production across the world.  According to Basic Animal Husbandry Statistics (BAHS), total egg production in the year 2018-2019 is 103.32 billons and per capita availability of egg is 79 eggs per annum. ICMR recommended per capita 180 eggs consumption per annum. Therefore it is needed to bridge the gap between per capita availability and council recommendation of egg. In India leading states in egg production are Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Telangana that contributes more than 50% of total egg production of country.

Nutritional importance
Egg is one of the most nutrient dense food (Fig 2) or complete food containing body building proteins, bone forming minerals, health giving vitamins and energy giving fats. Therefore eggs play an important role and are recommended as part of a healthy diet. Excellent health benefits of egg are shown in Fig 3.

Fig 2: Egg Nutrients
Fig 3: Excellent Health Benefits of Egg

Egg protein is also called “Most sustainable animal protein” and Protein has high biological value. It is a complete protein consists of all the essential amino acid. Because its biological value is high it is kept as standard protein to estimate biological value of other food.

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Egg consists of higher unsaturated fatty acid and also contains essential fatty acid and omega 3 fatty acid.  Other components of egg lipid are phospholipids (lecithin), carotenoids and cholesterol. Egg carotenoid includes antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin.  Eggs are good source of cholesterol content.

In micronutrients, egg contains most of vitamins and minerals. Vitamins include vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, folate, vitamin B12, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin K whereas minerals include calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium, magnesium, selenium and zinc. Eggs are exceptional source of vitamin D, choline and selenium.

Busting the myth related to egg

  1. Egg or egg yolk causing adverse effect to heart due to their high cholesterol content: Several research finding suggested that formation of cholesterol takes place in liver, primarily by utilization of saturated fat and trans-fat of our diet not directly by dietary cholesterol. Recommended an egg a day does not harm the heart even in person suffering from cardiovascular disease.
  1. Raw eggs are more healthier than boiled egg: Although heat treatment or boiling may leads to miner loss of nutrient but on boiling of egg provides better digestion of protein and absorption of nutrients specially biotin and it also destroy pathogenic organism including salmonella that ensure safety as well.
  1. Brown eggs are more nutritious than white egg or Desi/pastured egg are better than farm egg: Colour of the eggshell is determined by genetics of the laying bird. Mostly desi eggs and commercial farm eggs are identified by difference in colour and size. Desi eggs are off whitish and of small size whereas commercial farm eggs are whitish and of comparative large size. Certain other factors like environment, diet and the level of stress in hens also play role in intensity of eggshell colour. Kind of feed consumed by laying bird is an important factor and in pastured egg omega-3 fatty acid is more but it also negligible.   Thus the shell colour doesn’t have any effect on the quality and composition of eggs. Therefore both eggs are equally nutritious irrespective of their colour.
  1. Yolk colour determine the quality of egg: The color of a yolk depends on diet of laying bird.  More will be the carotenoid in feed more will be the dark colour but it does not affect the nutritional quality of egg.
  1. Fertilized  eggs are more healthful than unfertilized eggs: Egg laid by mated hen is fertilized while by unmated hen is unfertilized. Fertilized eggs contain both male and female genetic material. Fertilized egg contain very small amount of male genetic material otherwise both are similar in composition and scientifically no nutritional difference were seen between fertilized and unfertilized egg.
  1. Egg should be avoided in younger and older age people: Due to allergic concern, egg particularly egg white should be started in over a year of children however allergic responses observed in very few children especially where family had a history of it. Otherwise egg is one of the most important components of children’s diet for their speedy growth and egg yolk can be given to children after six month. In old age cholesterol is main concern as well as avoids raw egg for salmonella infection. Dietary cholesterol does not contribute directly to blood cholesterol. Therefore an egg a day supplies healthful nutrients.
  1. In summers egg should be avoided: Protein rich food took longer time for metabolization or digestion. Sometime eating more eggs lead to indigestion and discomfort and probably peoples confuse with body heat generation. An egg a day is healthful without any discomfort. In summer even eggs helps in maintaining the body fluid balance due to its nutrient rich content.
  1. Plastic eggresembled as natural egg are circulated in Indian market: A guidance note has been released by FSSAI to clear the myths about the plastic or fake eggs which state that, “Plastic eggs or artificial eggs are a myth mainly due to the fact that there is no technology available to produce a plastic/artificial egg that would perfectly resemble a natural egg”. Also, it is not economically feasible since normal eggs are available in abundance and at an affordable price.
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Egg is incredibly nutritious commodity for people of all ages and at different stages of life. Egg may play essential role where there is risk of low-nutrient intakes especially malnutrition because of low price and its ease of availability. Eggs are versatile, delicious and can be consumed in different forms widely. Eggs are amazingly healthful that support positively to muscle, bone, heart, brain, weight loss, vision etc.  World egg day is celebrated worldwide to promote egg consumption and make awareness about its nutritional impact on health through busting the myth. This will lead to more consumption and production of egg as well as enhancement of healthiness of whole population.

ALSO READ :  World Egg Day 2020 celebrated for creating awareness about the wonder food

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