New “Sukar Vikas Yojana” for SC / ST beneficiaries in Bihar


The Bihar government has launched a new scheme under the state scheme to promote piggery for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. Efforts are being made to provide benefit to the farmers through small schemes. The main objective of this scheme is to provide self-employment opportunities to the socially and economically weaker section in the state through swine farming. This scheme will not only increase the income of beneficiary farmer but also increase the availability of animal protein in the form of pork meat.

80 percent subsidy will be given for a unit of 18 thousands and 900 rupees

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Under this scheme 80 per cent subsidy including insurance cost for a unit is being provided to purchase two female (Sow) and one male (Boar) per beneficiary. The maximum total cost of a unit is kept 18 thousand 900 rupees, of which 18 thousand rupees is for purchasing cattle and 900 rupees is the cost of animal insurance. In this way a beneficiary will get a grant of 15 thousand 120 rupees at the rate of 80% for one unit (including cost of insurance). Rearing and management cost will be borne by the beneficiaries themselves.

How to apply

any person belonging to the scheduled cast and tribe of the state can apply under this scheme. Applications can be made online. Applications can be made from 12 December 2020 to 10 January 2021. Online applications can be made on the website of Animal Husbandry Department

ALSO READ :  Importance of Meat Based Functional Foods

Click here to understand the method to apply

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