Annual Convention of Society of Veterinary Biochemists and Biotechnologists of India (SVBBI)


Society of Veterinary Biochemists and Biotechnologists of lndia (SVBBI) is going to organize Vth Annual Convention of Society of Veterinary Biochemists and Biotechnologists of India (SVBBI) and National Symposium on “Current Challenges for Animal Biochemists and Biotechnologists for Improving Animal Health and Production in Post COVID Scenario” at College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, U.P. Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Pashuchikitsa Vigyan Vishwavidyalaya evam Go Anusandhan Sansthan (DUVASU), Mathura from 24th to 25th March, 2021 through Virtual Mode (On-Line).

Annual Convention of Society of Veterinary Biochemists and Biotechnologists of India (SVBBI)

The virtual conference of SVBBI-2021 will congregate the galaxy of eminent scientists, academicians, policymakers, researchers, field veterinarians, students and all other stakeholders of animal health and production on a virtual platform to share their research findings, ideas, and rationally explore the challenges in COVID-19 scenario.

The organizing committee of the SVBBI-2021 Mathura invites academicians, eminent scientists, researchers, field veterinarians, students and all other interested individuals concerned with animal health and production to submit their abstracts of research papers on above cited technical sessions to be considered for Oral Presentation and e-Poster competition.

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Soft copies of abstracts of contributory research indicating preferred session for Oral presentation / e-Poster competition must be submitted to the organizing secretary (email ID: before March 12, 2021. Abstracts should be in English within 250 words and should clearly state: Aims, Methods, Results and Conclusions. No figures or tables are to be included in the abstract. The preferable font size for abstract title is Times New Roman 14 and Body text is Times New Roman 12. The abstract must contain title, name (s) of author (s); presenting authors and corresponding author’s affiliation, address, e-mail & phone number. The name of the presenting author should be In bold letters.

Authors can submit abstracts preferences for their choice of session as well as mode of presentation (oral or poster) but the organizing committee retains the final decision to choose the presentation format. Because of time constrain in virtual conference, all the received abstracts and e-posters will be screened and few selected abstracts will be allowed for presentation (Oral/Poster), if abstracts received in huge numbers. The selected candidates for online presentation will be informed via email well in time for preparation of oral presentation.

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All the participant are requested to register for virtual SVBBI-2021 conference well in advance. certificate will be issued to all the registered participants and award winning participants subject to attending the sessions during this event.

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