COVID-19 pandemic does not require any introduction today. This pandemic hits everyone very hard economically and mentally. Currently, in India second wave of pandemic started causing major loss to everyone. Healthcare workers are considered frontline corona warriors because they are working their best to take care of COVID-19 affected patients but in this, pandemic veterinarians also play important roles to be considered as warriors.
Lockdown and animal treatment
When COVID-19 cases were increasing day-by-day, government declared lockdown, which continued till the end of 2020, but Veterinary doctors gave 24×7 duties in animal hospitals and also on call by farmers to the nearby villages to treat the animals. Veterinary doctors also faced many difficulties to reach onsite even without work force and are always prepared for their duties amidst the pandemic. When internet and social media were flooded with news of zoonotic transmission of COVID-19, panic struck people in major cities started leaving their pets on the streets. At that time, different animal welfare groups along with many veterinary budding students took steps to take care the street pets and started educating people about this misinformation through social media and it helped.

Development of Covid-19 vaccine
The scientists all over the world are working very hard, day and night to develop vaccine against the deadly disease. Veterinary scientist Dr. Albert bourla (chairman and chief executive of Pfizer) succeeded to develop the mRNA-based vaccine that usually takes 10-14 years to develop. Now the whole world is getting vaccination from different companies but veterinarians also played important role in the development of the vaccine. In India, Dr. G. C. Joshi (a veterinarian), Director of Gujrat Biotechnology Research Scientist (GBRC), became successful in sequencing the whole genome of corona virus and also detected 9 mutations which helps in the development of vaccine with pace.
Duties in COVID-19 Testing labs
Veterinary scientists are also serving their duties in COVID-19 detection labs like ICAR-IVRI, GADVASU, ICAR- National Research Center on Equines etc. helping in detection of COVID-19 by qPCR (real time PCR). When testing frequency increased, they offered their services and scientific capabilities to the public in this pandemic.
Guidance to farmers
When corona cases increased day by day, along with health worker, veterinarians on duty also played important roles in educating local farmers about this disease and related symptoms.
They are also teaching the farmers and villagers to follow COVID-19 related safety guidelines viz. ‘6-feet hai Zaroori’ (social distancing) along with regular washing of hands, wearing mask, sanitizing hands and avoid unnecessary public gatherings that could prevent spread of the virus.
There is no specific definition for a front line worker as many people including sanitary workers and even food suppliers are taking equal risks to perform their duties to their best levels amidst this deadly pandemic. Veterinarians also strive their best to perform their crucial duties in this pandemic situation without whom, the animals who cannot speak their troubles cannot get optimal treatments. Hence, they can aptly be termed as the unsung CORONA warriors.
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