Reviving the indigenous poultry breed– Kadaknath: Enhancing livelihoods of tribal through niche market opportunities
Most of the internal organs of the kadaknath breed show intense black colouration due to the deposition of melanin pigment in the organs. The birds survive well... Read more.

Strengthening Animal Welfare During The Pandemic (2020-21)
Farmers and public, private and community-based organizations in developing communities need support in strengthening their capacities to face the demands of ev... Read more.

Challenges of working with smallholder livestock farming communities: keeping Large Ruminants, Small Ruminants, Equids, Pigs, Poultry and Pisces in view
Mixed crop-livestock systems account for most of the meat and milk production in Asia. These resource-poor households typically grow crops, often at the subsist... Read more.

Impact of bird flu on poultry industry and guidelines for safe consumption of poultry meat and eggs
As per the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), Avian influenza / Bird Flu is an infection of poultry caused by any influenza A virus of the H5 or H7 sub... Read more.

Commercial and Economic Poultry Farming for Mass Gain and Meat/ Egg Production
Introduction Broiler is a bird of about 8 weeks of age of either sex with an average body weight of 1.5 to 2.0 kg. The cross bred of Plymouth Rock and Cornish a... Read more.

Trout Farming at Rural level
“I've learned that making a 'living' is not the same thing as 'making a life'” The trout is a freshwater fish of Salmonidae family. Of the 15 trout species ... Read more.

Сhhurрi/ Durkhа: The Newest Suрerfооd Heаlth Buzz
The two varieties of chhurpi are: A soft variety (consumed usually as a side dish with rice) and a hard variety (chewed like a betel nut) >>>... Read more.

Shelter Management for Domestic Fauna
Shelter requires to protect animals from various types of environmental stress and to provide desirable working conditions for routine managerial operations lik... Read more.

Animal’s Mobilization: Transportation – a necessary evil for animals
Transportation is done for shifting of animals for health issues, breeding issues and for sale & purchase of animals. >>>... Read more.

Debility and Poor Body Condition– Approach to the Thin Livestock
Debilitated livestock are commonly presented for treatment, obtained thorough a history about the animal’s husbandry, nutrition, workload, and any previous he... Read more.

The Ethics of Conducting Animal Welfare Research in Poor Communities
The purpose of animal welfare research is to benefit the species on which the research is conducted known as positive animal experimentation. >>>... Read more.

Heat Stress- Can be life threatening
Heat stress is a common condition in working equines, especially in the summer months. Excessive weight lifting and running releases sweat causing water and ion... Read more.

Glanders: A Notifiable Bacterial Respiratory Disease
Importance Glanders is one of the most terrible zoonotic bacterial disease by which horses, mules >>>... Read more.

Success Story: A Donkey That Gave Permanent Shelter to Many Others like Him
Starting with the treatment and welfare of this donkey Mrs. Surabhi and Mr. Pankaj started working for more abandoned animals and made a shelter for them after ... Read more.