Feeding of Sick Dogs, Precautions in Feeding of Dogs: Adaptation of Dogs to a Number of Different Feeding Regimes
Condition Diet Gastro- intestinal disease (vomiting, diarrhea) Food may need to be withheld, bland food may need to be used, low fibre diet Cardiac disease Redu... Read more.

Determination of Methane Emission using SF6 technique
The emission of methane by cattle and sheep represents a carbon loss pathway that results in reduced productivity.This leads to losses of up to 12% of the gross... Read more.

Role of Betaine as Feed additive in Poultry Production
Betaine is the trimethyl derivative of the amino acid glycine. As a by-product of sugarbeet processing, betaine is commercially available as a feed additive. Du... Read more.

Role of Vitamin E in Poultry
Poultry is defined as live or dressed domestic birds, which are bred and reared for edible purpose and it includes chicken, duck, turkey and also quail, pheasan... Read more.