Vaccination Schedule for Cattle and Buffalo
Animal diseases cause huge losses to livestock farmers. Prevention of many diseases is possible by protecting the animals by prophylactic and strategic vaccination. >>>
Animal diseases cause huge losses to livestock farmers. Prevention of many diseases is possible by protecting the animals by prophylactic and strategic vaccination. >>>
The goat was the earliest ruminant to be domesticated in the mountains of Iran. Goat is generally known as ‘poor man’s cow’ because they act as insurance against disaster due to their short generation interval, >>>
Haryana Government has decided to introduce “Pashu Sanjeevni Sewa” in the State under which free of cost quality veterinary services and health care facilities for the livestock >>>
The purpose of celebrating World Food Day this year is to demonstrate our global commitment to achieve the goal of creating “Zero Hunger World” by 2030. Modi government is working continuously >>>
Minister of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare Shri Radha Mohan Singh met Mr. Lekhram Soerdjan, Minister of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries of the Republic of Suriname in Krishi Bhawan, >>>
Twenty Embryo Transfer Technology (ETT) Centres are being established in the country and a proposal of 19 centres has been approved so far .This was stated by the Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Shri Radha Mohan Singh >>>