Veterinarian Response to the COVID-19 Crisis
When the Covid-19 crisis started, I along with my fellow vets, paravets and other supporting staffs were in a panic as to how to deliver our primary services to the farmer and the society. >>>
When the Covid-19 crisis started, I along with my fellow vets, paravets and other supporting staffs were in a panic as to how to deliver our primary services to the farmer and the society. >>>
Introduction In the present situation, the Zika virus is one of the most significant new viruses. The Zika virus was named after the Zika forest in Uganda, where it was discovered in a rhesus mac >>>
Abstract Streptococcus suis is considered among the top bacterial pathogens leading to important economic losses to the swine industry, with the incidence of disease increases as the prophylact >>>
The use of veterinary drugs in livestock production is unavoidable as they are necessarily required to prevent or treat a disease. These substances are applied & administered to seve… >>>
Veterinarians are more closely associated with diabetes at least when the sole source of insulin was animals, some 20-25 years ago. The name “diabetes” has now become a trendy term not only among progressive public and palliative patients, but also among practicing physicians. >>>