Contribution of goat farming in doubling the income of farmers



The contribution of goat in total livestock is 27.80%, which is a major share goat in total livestock. Goat is being raised as poor man’s cow due to its importance of providing employment in rural areas by producing meat and milk. It also plays major role in agriculture economy of India.   India ranked 2nd in goat population.  It is an excellent source of additional income for poor and landless owners.  Goat’s milk is nutritious and easily digestible to their kids and they are easy to maintain as they can graze on open land. Goat farming is an excellent option where fodder and forage is limited. With successful goat rearing goat farmers can get good returns. Now a day, goat farming has become more commercial and many people are taking up as a challenge to meet the demand and supply. There is good encouragement from governments and providing subsidies on especially stall fed goat forming.

Goats are among the main meat producing animal in India, whose meat (chevon) is one of the choicest meats and has huge domestic demand. Due to its good economic prospects, goat rearing under intensive and semi-intensive system for commercial production has been gaining momentum for the doubling the income of the farmers. High demand of goat and its products with potential of good economic returns have been deriving many progressive farmers, business, professionals, ex-servicemen and educated youths to take up the goat enterprise on a commercial scale. The emerging favorable market conditions and easy accessibility to improved goat technologies are also catching the attention of entrepreneurs. A number of commercial goat farms have been established in different region of the country. Initially, farmer may face a number of problems like high cost of production, high mortality and low price of the produce, but proper training and experience may resolve this problem.

Total goat population in the country is 148.88 million during 2019. Total goat has increased by 10.14% over previous livestock census (2012). About 27.8% of the total livestock is contributed by goats.

Table 1: Goat Population: Male, female and Milch

Category Population

(Million) 2012


(Million) 2019

% Change
Goat (Total) 135.17 148.88 10.14
Male 37.62 32.10 -14.65
Female 97.56 116.78 19.71
In Milk 36.25 41.83 15.71
Dry 25.31 27.82 9.95
Milch animal (In milk + Dry) 61.56 69.65 13.15

Table 2: Goat population 2012 and 2019 of major states

Sr. No. States Population

(Million) 2012


(Million) 2019

% Change
1 Rajasthan 21.67 20.84 -3.81
2 West Bengal 11.51 16.28 41.49
3 Uttar Pradesh 15.59 14.48 -7.09
4 Bihar 12.15 12.82 5.49
5 Madhya Pradesh 8.01 11.06 38.07
6 Maharashtra 8.44 10.60 25.72
7 Tamilnadu 8.14 9.89 21.43
8 Jharkhand 6.58 9.12 38.59
9 Odisha 6.51 6.39 -1.84
10 Karnataka 4.80 6.17 28.63

Advantage of goat farming

Being a multi-use animal goat produces meat, milk, hide, fiber and manure, goat farming can be a profitable occupation/ commercial business for a farmer and this can fit very well into mixed farming. Goat does not require a special housing (shed) and management. They hardly need separate housing and can share their homes with their owners or with other animals (livestock) based on the environment and locality. Goats can adapt to various agro-climatic conditions ranging from arid dry to cold arid to hot humid. Goats can be raised in plains, hilly tract, sandy zones and high altitudes as well. As compared to other farm animals goat can tolerate hot climatic conditions or higher temperatures. They can be integrated into agriculture along with other livestock, where their manure can be fully utilized and are very good at feeding on weeds in the field,  have better disease resistance as compared to other farm animals, can be multiplied in short period of time as they are capable of giving birth to more than one kid. Their digestive system is good for crude fiber and can produce even on poor quality roughages. Can produce more profits per unit of investment, will become available for slaughtering at young age. Consumed by all sections of worlds. As compared to beef and pork meat, goat meat has less fat content and cholesterol levels. Its milk became very popular due to its easily digestible properly and very good for children also plays role in Ayurvedic medicines for persons ailing with Asthma, cough and diabetes. Researchers found that goat milk has lesser allergic problems as compared to other livestock or farm animal milk. Goat milk has other health benefits and it helps patients suffering from peptic ulcers, liver dysfunction, jaundice, biliary disorder and other digestive problems, is loved by vegetarian communities as it has higher phosphate content and B-complex vitamins. Goat milk has good disease resistance power and boots immune system. Goat can produce hide which can be used manufactured of leather products. Goat hairs can be used for the manufactured of rugs and ropes. Goat can produce manure which helps in reducing fertilizer or compost cost in agriculture. Apart from this, its manure is 2 times richer in nitrogen and phosphoric acid as compared to cow manure. Goat farmers can make some additional income by selling goat manure to other farmers to use in agriculture sector. Goats are sold at very high prices especially during festival seasons in India. Goats have many options with cross breeds for good production of meat. Goats are excellent option for research oriented projects. Goat farming started a low investment and getting excellent profits.  Bank loans and subsidies are available on goat farming from local banks. With good care and farming practices, goat farming is one of the best commercial businesses to get more profit.

Nutritive value of Meat tissues

Meat is a very nutritious food. It is almost fully digestible. The nutritive value of meat is attributed to its abundant high quality protein, essential fatty acids, some important minerals and B complex group of vitamins.

Meat protein

Meat is a concentrated source of proteins which are more superior to the plants protein due to very high biological value. Most lean meat cuts contain 16.5 to 20% protein. This protein is rich in essential amino acids. Essential because there is no provision in the body for the synthesis of these amino acids and a deficient diet will lead to protein malnutrition.

Meat fat

Meat fats contain ample amount of essential fatty acids and the nutritional demand of the body is easily met by intramuscular fat itself.

Minerals and Vitamis

In general, meat is a good source of all minerals. The minerals are in close association with lean tissues in meat. Lean meat is an excellent source of B- complex group of vitamins. Vitamin C is almost absent in lean meat.

Problems and remedy of goat farming

Goat farming is definitely a profitable business but there are also some disadvantages of goat farming. So, if we are in existing goat farmers or want to start a new business, they should learn about the disadvantages of goat farming business.

Following Traditional Goat farming system

Lack of proper knowledge and traditional goat system are the main disadvantages of goat farming business. Most of the new and existing farmers and following traditional system for raising goats and it is the main drawback or disadvantage of goat farming business. Some of the farmers are totally not aware of the new and improved system of goat farming and some of the goat farmers used to keep their goats in extensive management system and not aware about the modern farming methods.

Lack of practical knowledge

Some of the new goat farmers are not willing to learn practically about this business. Rather just, they purchase animals and start raising them. They have no practical knowledge about running the business effectively. There are KVKs, Animal Husbandry Department, Sheep Husbandry, non government organization, which are providing training for raising goat practically.

Right breed selection

Most of the new and existing goat farmers are not aware about the available type of goat breeds and their production purpose. Especially, the beginner goat farmers fail to choose the right breed for their business.  As a result, they don’t get desired production and ultimately they leave this business.

Starting without prior experience

Starting the business without having prior experience is also among the notable disadvantages of goat farming business. Some beginners start raising some goats immediately after making the decision of goat farming. This is definitely not good. The beginners without prior practical knowledge will face high cost high mortality rates and less profit or even face loss.

Lack of capital

In some areas, marginal farmers are not able to start new business with their own investment. Lack of capital hinders to the farmers to start this business in large scale. If we are not able to start this business with at least 50-100 goats, then we will not be able to make good profit.

Lack of adequate veterinary services

Adequate veterinary services are not available in some areas. Goat’s of some people don’t get proper treatment or medicine if the goat becomes sick or ill and thus it also among the major disadvantages of goat farming business.

Lack of specially design vehicle

Specially designed vehicles are very useful for transporting live goats from one place to another. Such vehicles are very rare in some areas, which hinders purchasing good quality animals from long distances and also prevent  from selling  goats in other market (except  local market). So, the lack of specially designed vehicle is also among the major disadvantages of goat farming business.

Marketing difficulties

Goat products have high demand in the local and international market. Some peoples are facing problems while selling their products. If we are producing well goat and can’t sale at right price, then we will face loss in the business. So marketing difficulties is also among the main disadvantages of goat farming business.

Other problems

Along with the disadvantages mentioned above, there are also some other problems  will face while raising goats.

Predator problems

There are some predators which can harm your animals. Dogs and some other wild animals are the major predators of your goat.

Risk of robbery

As smaller sized animals, the goats are in the risk of robbery. Due to the smaller size, it is very easy to steal the goats from the herd.

Irregular vaccination

Some of the goat farmers are not aware about vaccinating their goat timely and irregular vaccination leads to susceptibility of goats to various diseases.

Caring of pregnant doe

Improper care during the pregnancy of goats may cause death of the kids or even the doe. So there need to take proper care of doe during pregnancy.

Feeding problems

Goats are smaller sized animals and they generally require less amount of feed, and they can even survive on low quality feed. Although, arranging feed for goats can be difficult for farmers sometimes.

Sanitary management problem

Some goat farmers are not aware about the proper sanitary management and proper sanitation in the goat herd leads to the incidence of disease.

Mixing of breeds

If you raise many goat breeds together, then there are chances of mixing the breeds. Mixing or crossing the breeds is not good always. And mixing of herds or different goat breeds can cause losses in the farm operation.

Risk of crop loss

If you allow the goats to roam freely, then they will eat the fruits and vegetables from  garden or field which will ultimately result crop losses.

Common diseases of goats

Disease attack

Goats are susceptible to some parasites and common goat diseases and initially diagnosing the viral goat disease is very difficult. Viral diseases of goats spread rapidly and cause death of many animals due to single attack.


Goat harbor several species of coccidia but not all exhibit clinical coccidiosis.


In pastured and free-ranging goats, helminthiasis can assume great clinical significance.  G. I. nematodiasis, liver, fluke infestation and lung worm infestations all may be seen.

Flat worm: Dicrocoelium dendriticum, Fasciola hepatica, fasciola gigantic, schistosoma bovis etc.

Tape worms: Echinococcus granulosus, Moniezia species, Taenia ovis, Taenia hydatigena

Round worm: Chabertia ovina, Dictyocaulus filarial, hemonchus  contortus, trichuris ovis, trichostrongylus species, Cooperis species, protostrongylus refescens, etc.

Disease caused by bacteria: include anaplasmosis, black leg, braxy, brucellosis, caseous lymphadenitis, chalamydiosis, also known as enzootic abortion ewes, contagious caprine pleura pneumonia, dermatophilosis, ehrlichiosis, eneterotoxemia, enzootic posthitis and vulvitis, food rot, infectious necrotic hepatitis, leptospirosis, lesteriosis, mastitis, mycoplasmosis, paratuberculosis (Johne’s disease), pasteurellosis, Q-fever, salmonellosis, ulcerative balanoposthitis and vulvitis. Paratuberculosis: Paratuberculosis in goats differs from that of cattle, gross postmortem lesions are less pronounced and profuse diarrhea occurs less commonly in goats until right before death.

Disease caused by viruses include Blue tongue disease, akabans virus infection, border disease, cacho valley virus infection, caprine arthritis encephalitis, enzootic nasal adenocarcinoma, foot and mouth disease, mastitis, orf, ovine encephalomyelitis.

Mastitis in Goat: The organisms infecting the udder of goat are similar to those of cow.

Disease caused by fungus  candidiosis, cryptococcosis, facial eczema.

Disease caused by protozoa:  are includes Babesis species, Theileris species, Trypanosoma species, toxoplasma gonad, Neospora caninum, Cryptosporidium, Giardia intestinalis etc.


Goat rearing becomes an inseparable component of mixed farming system and can be recommended as the best choice for the rural people in developing countries because of the low investment, wide adaptability, high fertility and fecundity, low feed and management needs, high feed conversion efficiency, quick pay-off and low risk involved. Goats play an important role in income generation, capital storage, employment generation and improving household nutrition.  The main advantage of goat farming is the high market demand and the availability of a wide variety of goat breeds. Goats are versatile animals with a wide variety of breeds to choose from.

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