Indigenous Technology for Artificial Insemination (AI)


Indian Council of Agricultural Research informed that ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI), Karnal (Haryana) and Anand Agricultural University, Anand (Gujarat) are undertaking research on basic and applied aspects for developing an alternate method of sexing of cattle semen under a project entitled “Incentivising research in agriculture for developing an alternative method for sexing of semen as the technology” since 2015.

Steps taken by the Government to conserve and develop indigenous breeds of cattle are as under:

  1. Nationwide Artificial Insemination (AI) programme: Nationwide AI programme has been launched on 11th September 2019 for implementation in 600 districts with less than 50% Artificial Insemination coverage covering 100 villages per district 200 animals per village. During the programe from 15th September 2019 to 15th March 2020 about 1.2 crore animals will be covered, so far 22 lakh Artificial inseminations have been performed and 12.1 lakh farmers got benefitted as on date 31.01.2020.
  2. Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan: Artificial Insemination Coverage (AI) with High Yielding Indigenous Breeds: In the 112 aspirational districts identified by NITI Aayog. Under the programme 9.05 lakh artificial inseminations have been performed for protection of indigenous breeds.
  3. Establishment/strengthening of Embryo Transfer and In-Vitro Fertilization centres: Projects for strengthening/ establishment of 30 ETT/IVF labs have been sanctioned for propagation of elite animals of indigenous breeds and to meet demand to bulls of indigenous breeds. Out of 30 labs approved under the scheme 19 labs have been made established. Centre of Excellence for Indigenous Breeds (CoEIB) are under establishment for providing training in ETT, IVF, Sex Sorted Semen production, Genomics and retraining of skilled manpower in latest developments in breeding technologies.
  4. National Bovine Genomic Centre for Indigenous Breeds (NBGC-IB): Funds have been released to National Bureau of Animal Genetics Resources and National Dairy Development Board for development of genomic chip. A custom made genotyping chip (INDUSCHIP) which is suitable to genotype Indian cattle breeds and their crosses has been developed by National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) and till date 15000 animals have been genotyped in order to create referral population. NDDB has developed buffchip for genomic selection of buffaloes with the help of United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and till date 4000 buffaloes have been genotyped.
  5. Establishment of Facility for Sex Sorted Semen Production: Projects from 12 semen stations Gujarat, Haryana, Kerala, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh have been sanctioned and Central Share has been released to 10 stations. The use of sex sorted semen will not only enhance milk production but also crucial in limiting population of male cattle/ stray cattle.
  6. E Pashu Haat Portal: E Pashu Haat portal has been developed for connecting breeders and farmers regarding availability of quality bovine germplasm of indigenous breeds. Information of 11.31crores semen doses; 363 embryos and 18.13 lakh live animals is available on the portal as on date 31.01.2020.
  7. Gokul Gram: 21 Integrated indigenous cattle development Centres – “Gokul Grams”- are being established under the Rashtriya Gokul Mission with the aim of conservation and development of indigenous bovine breeds in a scientific and holistic manner.
  8. National Kamdhenu Breeding Centre: Two National Kamdhenu Breeding Centre (NKBC) as repository of indigenous germplasm of all indigenous breeds and supply of certified germplasm to the farmers undertaking rearing of indigenous breeds and increasing their stock are under establishment. Establishment of NKBC in Andhra Pradesh at Chintaladevi located in Nellore District has been completed and work is under progress for Northern Region NKBC in Madhya Pradesh.
  9. Pashu Sanjivni: Animals are being identified under the Pashu Sanjivni using poly urethane tags with 12 digit unique identification number and their data is being uploaded on INAPH database. As on date 2.55 crore animals have been tagged and their data have been uploaded on INAPH data base.
  10. National Gopal Ratna and Kamdhenu Awards: In order to create awareness and reward for farmers and Institutions who are engaged in scientific management of recognized Indigenous cattle breeds, National Gopal Ratna and National Kamdhenu Award have been instituted under Rashtriya Gokul Mission.
ALSO READ :  Regional Artificial Insemination Training Institute (RAITI) for NE Region will be set up in Assam

This information was given in a written reply by the Minister Of State For Fisheries, Animal Husbandry And Dairying Dr.Sanjeev Kumar Balyan in Lok Sabha today.

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  1. Sir, Development of indigenous technology for sexing semen for AI. presently this technology is from america and we have to pay royalty for every straw of semen produced to the american company, so the cost of sex sorted semen straw is high.

  2. Did’t understand word indigenous AI technology when all the above techniques discussed are presently come from Europe

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