As the name itself indicates Deoni cattle breed belongs to village Deoni, Taluka Deoni, District Latur in the state of Maharashtra. The breed has developed from a strain descended from the mixture of Gir, Dangi and local breed. Fore head and ear characters are similar to the Gir breed where as coat color general confirmation and ruggedness belongs to Dangi Cattle breed. Deoni cattle also called as Surti, Dongarpati, Dongri, Wannera, Shevera, Balankya, Waghyd. This breed mainly found in state of Maharashtra with different districts such as Latur (Taluka Ahmednagar, Udgir), Parbhani, Nanded and Osmanabad. In Karnataka state this breed mainly found in Bidar (Taluk- Aurad, Bhalki, Bidar, Humnabad) and Kalaburgi (Taluk-Sedam, Chittapur, Kalagi, kalaburgi, Chincholi) district. In Telangana state Deoni breed found in Rangareddy (Taluk- Zaheerabad, kohir, Manoor, Nyalkal, NarayanKhed, Andol, Sadashivpet), Kamareddy, Medak, Adilabad, Nizamabad districts. Bullocks are reared for agriculture work where as cows are reared for milking and calving purpose.

Deoni breed characteristics
Deoni breed is mixture of Gir, Dangi and local cattle strain. This breed having prominent convex forehead and Mango leaf like curvy drooping ears. Body coat colour is white with small black spots, some cattle are complete black body coat. Deoni cattle is medium size body with small sized horns and blunt tips. Eyes are prominent bright and alert with black eyebrows. Skin is loose, medium thickness and having small, soft hairs on the body. Udder moderately developed with black teats. Hooves are black and hard adopt to high environmental temperature.Male animals having hight of 120 to 145 cms and female animals having hight of 110 to 125 cms.

Three strains of Deoni cattle
- Balankya- complete white colour.
- Wannera- complete white with partial black coloured face.
- Shivera- black and white spotted colour.

Deoni bullocks performance
Deoni bullocks are strong and working capacity is 10 to 12 hours in a day so these bullocks mainly preferred for farming and carting purpose. These are well adopted for tropical climate with very high environmental temperature and famine conditions. Bulls are strong and attractive body with prominent hump and thick cervical muscle mass. Deoni bulls starts breeding at the age of 30 months. Bulls will reach maximum strength at the age of 4 to 6 years.Both bulls and bullocks have black strong hooves which is essential for Agriculture work.

Deoni cow performance
Deoni cow milk production on an average 868 kg (range between 638 to 1229 kg) per lactation period which is around 282 to 300 days. This cow produces Milk is 4 to 7 liters per day with fat percentage is 4.3. Cows well suited for natural crossing as well as artificial insemination with Deoni straw. Heifers comes to first heat at the age of 36 months and above. Parturition interval is 14 months along with dry period.

Some opinions about Deoni breed from experts and farmer
National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources reported that Deoni breed was strong and well adopted to tropical drought-prone areas.
Animal Husbandry Department of Telangana State was reported that Annual Medicine expenses on Deoni Cattle was 200 INR where as for other cattle it’s range between 500 to 800 INR. This stated that this cattle was medicine cost is low compared to other breed.
I,m rearing Deoni cow since 2011 from 6 cows. Now I had sold about more then 40 Bulls n more then 45 heifers and earned many Lakhs. This breed adjusted well to our Kalaburagi District climate from Sri Sudhakr VenkatRao Patil, Awarded progressive animal husbandry farmer at Post Rajapur, Tq: Kalagi, Dist: Kalaburagi, State: Karnataka.

“Deoni cow milk quality is best and made Ghee from it and sold at the rate 1,200 INR per Kg in Bangalore and Kalaburgi. Ghee having predominant smell and taste” from Smt Shakuntala VenkatRao Patil, At Post Rajapur, Tq: Kalagi Dist: Kalaburagi.

“I am using Deoni bullocks in Agriculture since 8 years. Bullocks are energetic and adopt to this condition very well and works upto 12 hours in sowing season” fromSri Amar Suryavanshi, Progressive agricultural farmer.,At Post Rajapur, Tq: Kalagi Dist: Kalaburagi
I’m rearing Deoni cows as a part of vision of conservation of Indigenous Cattle Breed.I,m selling Deoni Cow Ghee in Bangalore at Organic Products sale outlet at the rate of 1,200 INR per Kg with good demand from consumers.This breed is easy to rear in our Kalagi taluka climate compare to cross breed cattle.- Sri Bhadrappa Kulkarni Business man and Animal Husbandry Farmer.At Post Hosalli Tq Kalagi Dist Kalaburagi.
Since 2011 there is more demand for Deoni cows from Karnataka and Telangana states from farmers as well as purchase under various Govt. Schemes .Farmers have more affinity towards Deoni bull and bullocks – Sri Umakant Sajjan.Livestock Vendor Deoni, Maharashtra.
Deoni Breed conservative Govt Farms
- Deoni Cattle Breeding Farm Gudgaripali Andra Pradesh.
- Deoni Govt Farm Kampasagar Near Zaheerabad Telangana State.
- Livestock Research and Information Centre(Deoni), Hallikhed (B) KVAFSU BIDAR Karnataka State
- Govt. Farm Udgir, Maharashtra State.
- Livestock Farm, MAFSU, Maharashtra State.
Advantages of Deoni Breed Cattle
- Deoni Breed has dual purpose breed used for milch and drought purpose.
- Deoni cows can give average 1500 litres of milk in a single lactation period under well management practice.
- Very less Gynecological problems starting from Oestrus to parturition in female deoni cows.
- Deoni Bulls are massive and attractive.
- Bullocks of this breed are strong hard and having hard hooves so that they are well adopted for heavy farm work and famine condition.
- Deoni breed are resistant to tick-borne haemo-protozoan diseases compare to cross breed cattle.
The Deoni cattle is good for both milch and drought purpose but the quantity of milk is low as compare to cross breed but indigenous cattle is very well adopt to Indian climatic condition compared to cross breed cattle breed.
Thanks to all for your support and wishes.
Thanks all my seniors, juniors,family members,collegues, friends,well wishers and farmers for supporting me in this competition organized by epashupalan website.
Useful information
Good article sir
Nice article Dr.Annarao
Good information to farmers and Veterinary docters.
Nice article anna…all the best..
Nice article
nic article sir
Nic informative article sir
Nic informative article
very goood article
Its very nice, useful information for farmers as well as veterinarians
Good article
Nice work
Very informative
Useful information regarding Deoni breed
Good information sir supper
Supper really good job sir navu nim bage hestu heladru kadame sir tq sir
Nice work
ಇಂದಿನ ಪೀಳಿಗೆಗೆ ಇಂಥ ಯುವ ವೈಧ್ಯಾಧಿಕಾರಿ ದಾರಿದೀಪ,ಇವರ ಶ್ರಮ ಕೆಲಸದ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ಆಸಕ್ತಿ ಹಾಗೂ ಜನಗಳ ಜೊತೆ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ಮೂಕ ಪ್ರಾಣಿಗಳ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ಪ್ರೀತಿ ತುಂಬಾ ಚೆನ್ನಾಗಿದೆ, ಅವರ ಕಾರ್ಯಕ್ಕೆ ಯಸಶ್ಶು ಸಿಗಲಿ ಇನ್ನು ಎತ್ತರಕ್ಕೆ ಬೆಳೆಯಲಿ ಎಂಬುದೇ ನಮ್ಮ ಆಶಯ
5 *
It’s very nice and very helpful to farmers . Nice information.
Its really amazing article
Good article sir use full writing
Nic article sir
Nic and informative good article
Good article
Good information article
Excellent information on deoni cattle
Good article
Good artical sir and suppr information
Good artical sir
Good article on Deoni
Good article
Very good article sir….
Nice article sir
Nice article sir keep doing
This article articulates not just information rather it gives insight about the robostic breed of cattle not just to the veterinarians and cattle rears but the reaschers in a eloquent and elliptical approach.I think we must appreciate the effort put by the writer to educate us regarding this hardy and emphatic breed.
Very informative article with complete description regarding the breed and it’s charecters. Nice photographs which are self explanatory regarding breed charecters
It’s very useful information sir ..very nice
Good work sir
I ve never seen such article sir….
Very nice presentation
Very useful for farmers
Very informative and helpful to Farmers
Very good article it is
Very useful
Good information
Very good article
Good article sir
Good one
Very nice and informative article..
Nice article sir
Wery nice article.with all saport from Rajapur formers
It’s complete information on Deoni cattle.
Very good Article
Very good information for farmers
Nice article sir keep going
A very informative article and very usefull am very much inspired by you all the best sir such a great work
A very informative article and very usefull am very much inspired by you sir such a wonderful task taken by you all the best sir
It’s a very informative Article
Super article sir
Very good and informative article.
Very excellent and informative article regarding DEONI cattle breed it’s types,breed characters and distrubution..
Very nice dr.annarao
Good information about the deoni cattle, the pride is bidar
Good article…
👌👌 article
Good info
Great & informative article on Indian dual purpose breed Deoni….Dr.Annarao I Got lot of unknown information about this breed Types,Colors Characteristics,distribution,Draft capacity,Milk yield,Breeding Characters,Adoption,Breeding Farms…etc in a Very elaborate way.Its useful for farmers,Vets & Breeders,Promoters,,…Disease resistant breed…needs to be developped much more in Karnataka,Maharashtra,Telangana, &AP
Thank you Very much
Nice article about DESI Cow Sir.
It is good informative about deoni breed .. nice article sir
Good and informative article
Very infotmative and usefull article
Very informative article.. Need some more like this on desi breeds
Highly informative article for the upliftment of our Indian breeds towards the farmers improvement in society.
Excellent article & containing useful information regarding Deoni breed. Good work…👍
Nice article sir. Very informative for selection of breeds for farming. As the breed is well suited for tropical and draught prone areas, it can be used for genetic upliftment of local cattle in such areas.
Very informative article sir..
Very nice information for farmers as well as field vets
really very informative to understand breed details
in this pure and CB cows minded farmers can go for native breed rearing and have more income by selling male n female calves r adults as an income source
by selling ghee r milk also gud source of income to farmers
gud to read breed information gudluck and expecting more from u thank you
Excellent article sir very useful for vets and farmers
This is really very great job👍 appreciate
Talent like this should be brought up by government.
Informative article ,knowing about desi cow breeds
Nice artical
Nice article and very useful related topic about farmers nice one keep it sir.
Excellent and very informative article sir
Good article for farmer.. Keep up the good work
Nice and informative article for farmers. Excellent work sir.
Very nice article that too on indigenous breeds. It is the need of the hour to know about our own breed and its importance. Great to give thrust to importance of breed.
Super sir
Informative Article , Great Work Sir , Keep Going…
Nice article sir…
Great Work Sir. Knowing about Desi cow breeds.
Good one
Great work Sir
Very nice information sir keep it up
Very good information sir.
Good article
Nice article Sir!
A very insightful article,about the deoni breed of cattle.the author has has done extensive review regarding the breed and its usefulness for the growing need of country’s dairy products with special emphasis on how the country’s farmers can resolve economic disparity.
Very informative article about Desi cattle …Practical Documentation ….
Thank You Dr Annarao for the wonderful article deoni cattle. Article like this will help to understand more about Deoni cattle and farmers can utilise the best out of them. I really liked the total coverage. Thank You Sir.
Elaborate information about deoni breed and a quick reference for the people who want to know about deoni breed.I congratulate Annarao for this article and wish him all the best..
Sir, thanks for sharing this article, which is very useful for farmers & who wanted to start dairy with desi Deoni cattle breed.
Nice Article By,Dr Annarao Patil
Nice And usefull content
Nice sir, From this article a different field people can grasp the knowledge of deoni cows and their importance.
Nicely presented, very good information about our native breed. Congratulations to you Annarao.
Nice article sir
It’s very informative article, excellent job,
Thank u
Good article Brother
Very good
It’s the best information to the public
Very nice sir
It’s very good information about this kind of bread .Nice article.
Very helpful information sir
Thank you so much
Nice article sir.
Good one sir !!!… Very well written with apt info w. r. t.the field situation
Excellent article, very informative. It has got detailed information about dairy farming. Definitely it’s going to help lot of people who are really interested in dairy. Good Work 👍
Really useful and getting the attractive article today, excellent job sir
Very informative and good article ..
‘ದೇವಣಿ’ ತಳಿ ಜಾನುವಾರುಗಳ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ಮೂಡಿ ಬಂದ ಈ article ತುಂಬಾ ಸಂಶೋಧನೆ ಮಾಡಿ ಬರೆದಿದ್ದಾರೆ.
Nice and good article
Good article
Nice article sir…
Very informative article regarding Deoni breed, useful for farmers who are interested in cattle farming.
Excellent information on Deoni cattle farming and adoptability to the environment
It a very good information and helpful
Great work, Informative article sir
Sir best information
Very nice article on important breed of North Karnataka… thanks for sharing the knowledge
Good article sir
Nice information sir 👏🙏👌 thank you
Nice article sir..
Well narrated..
U presented a nice information on Deoni breed sir
Good article sir..
Valuable information..
Good article
Contains valuable information 👌nice article
Deoni- The pride of Bidar.. Informative one
Nice article and information is effectively explained …..and better understandable…all the best sir..
Exceptional sir
Excellent information, nicely explained
Well explained information.. alot of information being collected from farmers makes it more reliable… Compared to farming under supervision of vets under govt farms….
Nice article sir.
Nice article ,valuable , informative .
Good article sir, worthful.
Good work helpful to farmers and Dairy practicitioner
Good article
Very nice informetion
Nice article
Very good article sir
Really very useful information..
Thank you sir for sharing..
Good article
Excellent article about Deoni breed. Thank you DrAnnarao sir for such informative article.
One more useful and informative article by our beloved Annarao doctor. That’s why local farmers are happy by having doctor like you sir.
It’s very Useful and informative article.
Good work sir👍👍
Very good article keep it up sir 🙏
Veru good article about deone breed .
Good article
Good article for information
Good work👍
Good article
Nice article Dr AnnaRao, keep it up
Good work sir
Sir can you please tell me where can we buy these breed cows , very good informative artcle.
Thank you
Good work sir
Nice article sir
Very informative , would be nice if this could also be published in native languages.
Excellent work on native breed cows.
Nice article on our local breed sir…
Very well written article on an important topic.
Very good article sir
Very nice and good information sir
Good article and very informative knowledge good work sir
Very nice article and very good information
Very nice article and good information
Wonderful piece of work
Very nice article sir
Very good article sir
Deoni breed is a Pride of Bidar. Valid information and good presentation sir. Useful for vets and farmers. Thank you
good article..informative
Nice article sir,
This breed is well suited for Deccan climate as well as for organic farming. In the days of sustainable development one should think of exploring it’s germplasm to the possible extent.
Nice article dr….very informative
Very good article ….valuable information sir👌👌👌👌👌
Nice article dr annarao……very helpfull for the farmers..good description regarding breed. it in conservation of local breeds
Good informative article sir
Very good article
Really informative Article
Good Information Sir
Good article sir
Very Good Article and also informative ,helps to grassroot level farmer’s.
Excellent narration and field oriented efforts
Very good article
It’s very good & informative article of our own indigenous dual breed of Kalyan Karnataka.And is very useful to farmers & young Vets.Great Dr.Annarao
This article has full information about Deoni desi bread and this article is helpfull to the people who are undertaking agricultural activities and it also pramotes the dairy activities along with agriculture.
Good article sir.
Really very good article on deoni cattles. It is more useful for uplifting farmers income and also for those interested diary farming
Very informative for the farming community..
Good article,its really good work
Good article
Very nice article and informative
Nice article Sir..
Very informative and useful article
Very Interesting article Sir…
Excellent article on elite breed of Karnataka.
Very use full article…keep going DOCTOR
Very informative sir
It’s having nice information wich helps youngsters lot to select the breeds
Good article… Very nice info
Very useful article
Good information of Deoni breed. Helpful to farmers of Kalyana KARNATAKA area. Hope more article will come from Dr Annarao to update our knowledge
Good artical
Good information regarding deoni cattle
Very good article.
Nice article. 👍
Very informative article and ,useful
Very usefull article
Explained nicely
Very nice article sir
Very nice information sir
Nice article, more informatige about our desi cattle deoni. Useful for field vets as weel as our farmers
it is good informative and easily understanding article .do more like this sir
The need of the hour focus on indigenous breeds of India. Article completely covers the importance of the breed. Great work doctor.
The need of the hour focus on indigenous breeds of India. Articles completely covers the importance of the breed. Great work doctor.
This article is worth to be accepted
Very informative article.. This article provides good information on our local deoni breed of cattle …
Very informative article … This article Provides good information on our local breed..
Nice article sir our society expects more from you
Good article
Good article
Good information, useful for field veterinarians..
Nice information.
The information is very well compiled. This article throws good insights into importance of conservation of indigenous breeds.
Hats off to Dr.Annarao Sir for giving a best article which showcases future prospective for Government in framing new conservation policy
You’ve covered the information regarding deoni breed from every aspect.very nice presentation too. As you included the Opinions of different farmers regarding the breed and marketing of it’s products makes it super nice.much useful for the field veterinarians. We expect more such articles from you sir.
Wish you all the best.💐
Very nice article on Deoni breed.
Wonderful article with Deep insights on one of important native breed of India….
Nice article, more informative about our desi cattle Deoni. Useful for feild vets as well as farmers…
Very good article, detailed information on desi dual purpose cattle breed, very usefull information to the farmers and veterinarians sir.
Great work doctor, very informative..
Good information regarding our breeds.
Very useful information for field vets and farmers. Need to give lot of importance to Deoni cattle for breeding by government of Karnataka.
Nice article
Good work Anna
Extension activities are essential components of development departments. Being veterinarian along with providing novel health care and also engaging in such extension activities by Dr. Anna Rao patil is impeccable and worth recognising.
It’s really awesome article brother, eyes opening information for societies and scientific people those who r forgetting our Desi cattle’s., people may expects more information contained herein afterwards about deoni and retaining other indigenous cattle’s., I hope you have capacities to fulfill their demands
Good one….
Very nice information
Highly informative for university’s, deparment doctors
Very informative sir
Super article sir
Great work doctor,
Beautiful information..
Very very informative
Good information to encourage farmers to involve in indigenous livestock farming for their livelihood.
Good information about our natives breed
Very nice and usefull information about Deoni cattle.. Very good extension work sir.
Informative sir
Very nc information
very good information about deoni breed sr…
Verily informative article
Informative article.. Government should give more stress on local breeds rather than spreading GIR and SAHIWAL breeds all over the country.
Nice information. It will be helpful to preserve the desi breed once we know the advantages of it completely…..
It’s good n informative
Very informative and useful.
It is good article regarding Deoni breed including all details regarding breed with good description. Article covered all necessary information about Deoni breed . I feel this article is very useful for everyone and also as referral
It has more and all information ,it is helps to learner and who r intersted to know about deoni cattle it’s good sir.
Really Good information by Dr.Annarao sir for beginners in Farming and animal husbandry startups, easy and low cost for better maintenance. Farmers get better results with such breed rather than other breeds.
The information should be known to all the local farmers which help the development of local breeds.
Nice.. information
Informative article sir….👍👌👌
Nice article
Good article and nicely illustrated.
Very good sir
Good article with compiled knowledge..
Good information and has good pictures and illustrations sir.
It is a One of the best article for deoni cattal breed
Super sir
Useful artical. Thank you sir
nice article… useful information regarding deoni breed
Good source of information and very informative sir
Very good article
Good article.Deoni is an important breed of country . Covered lot of good information over it .
Good article.
Good record of Pride of our Bidri and Karnataka …good information sir
Very detailed information sir… Really helpfull for the students & researchers..
Very much informative n usefull sir. Keep goin.
Very good information
Very insightful article on deoni breed, must also be published in local language.
ದೆಸಿ ತಳಿ ದೆವನಿ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ಒ೦ದು ಉತ್ತಮ ಮಾಹಿತಿ ಸರ..
Excellent most useful article
Very nice article
It’s a good article 👍 the information covered everything in detail, it will helpful for search and study for the students.
Good information… Nice article regarding desi breed
Very well narrated article… Well done by Dr Annarao…its time to save local breeds of any region in the world.
Nice one….. innovative way of narration and informative
It’s a very good article.I hope it is helpful to the farmers.This kind of work is needed too…tq
Nice article very much needed for the information of farming community and academic personal
Very nice article, it’s very useful to local farmers and, informative one
Very nice article useful for field vets and farmers too.
Very useful article for those farmers and students… Narrated nicely about fame native cattle breed…good work sir👌
Very nice information sir
Good article. Such well studied field based articles from the farmer’s perspective need to be written on all major breeds of India. Well done.All the best.
Nice and very informative
Thank you for providing such a informative data
Very nice article Dr.Annarao
Excellent and informative article.
It’s a nice article sir. Very informative and helpful sir.
Very informative and excellent article… All the best
Informative sir..
Very interesting and good information
Super sir
Good one
Very good information friend
Vary nice article sir..really usefull most informative and need of hour for farmers
Nice article sir!!
Nice article
Super artical sir
Nice article sir
Very good information sir good article s
Good article and useful to other farmers who wants to involve in animal husbandry activities. You have made good efforts to gather very all information regarding this breed.
All the best.
Very nice article sir…..
Very good article
Very informative… awesome article sir
Great article presentation about an indigenous dual purpose breed with its success stories. Articles will be of great help to educate farmers about the breed during extension activities.
Very nice article sir
Its really good informative work sir ….helps farming community to rear deoni cattle scientifically sir
very good article anna
Hi Annaraoji, excellent article regarding Deoni breed i ever seen. All the best…
Nice article for the succuss stories
Development of our native breeds such as Deoni is of high importance and sir, you have provided us with the right information, put in a brief article.
It will be a great treasure to both veterinarians and farmers alike.
Thank you so much sir. The article is very well written.
Very informative article
Nice article
Exlent article sir….
Very good information of deoni cattle
Good & very informative article sir, thanks for providing such articles
Nicely compiled article promoting our indigenous cattle..
Good work and very instructive
Good article, worth watching nice one
Good article.. Informative
Very informative article about Deoni breed covering success stories too. Conngrations Dr Annarao for this excellent work.
Its really good informative work.. Helps farming community to rear Deoni cattle scientifically..
Good information
Very Good information on Indian breed Cattle.. Wishing you many more Articles.
Very useful article to both veterinarians and farmers. Very well narrated about Deoni characteristics, management practices and its working capacity. Thanks a lot for ur wonderful work. ..
Nice article sir…
Very nice information sir,your work very much appreciated sir .keep it up sir
Proactive article and good information
It’s really good article…very informative and useful…written in a very understanding way ..Good work
Good article..informative about desi deoni cattle..useful to veterinary students,Veterinarians and farmer.
Very much informative write-up. Encourages our farmers to rear indigenous breed Deoni cattle there by uplifting economically the farmers as well as preserves Indigenous Cattle Genetic pool showing the world Biodiversity of Indian Cattle Breeds…
Good article
Nice article sir very useful for the formers
Nice article dr sab
Very neat and detailed explanation given about one of the most important dual purpose cattle breed of India. The information will serve the purpose of easy understanding by farmers as well as animal lovers
Nice Article on Deoni
Very good article informative one
Really nice article sir
Good article
Nice article sir
Nice article
Nice article sir easy to understand and apply
Nice information sir easy to understand in field level
Nice article sir good information
Nice article easy to understand
Nice article sir
Nice article air
Good article on desi breed
Nice description of deoni breed and very well written
A Very good detailed information about our most famous local breed. Ur article is informative as well as inspirational 4 many people who want to become a progressive farmer. KUDOS 2 ur work on it.
Thanks for compiling all the info
Good information
Great effort…I wish you to win this contest…all the best
Good article and very informative….
Good article sir.
I found this article very informative and useful to Farmers veterinarians and specially to Vet Students.Thanks for the article.
Very good information sir, all the best.
Nice article sir
Very informative article
Nice article. With extensive information collected regarding deoni breed. No such informations are available in any text books. Such articles are needed in every breeds of Indian cattle.
Very good informative and nicely explained
Wholesome information regarding deoni breed of cattle. Very much understandable to common man. Articles of this kind will help in propaganding the desi breeds and their conservation. And also encourage farmers to go for desi cattle breeding and dairying.
Nice information
Good information and great work
Very informative article
Nice article..very informative
Nice article
Super article
Nice article
It’s a really good article
Great information
Good information
Very informative article brother
Excellent article and imp information …
Very good information.esp for farmers
Very nice article
Good information sir
Informative article
Incredible information
Nice and very good information
Nice article
Very useful and informative sir
Very good information about Deoni breed…
Very good article
Good information Sir
Good informative article about a hardy breed of North karnataka.
Good information given about our native Deoni breed
Very good information
Dear Dr. Annarao Sir. Thank you very much for posting this article.
In a short article, Sir has covered all information about our Bos indicus breed Devoni.
Few points I just want to understand, when it comes to breed improvement, why vet Drs and scientist first think of crossing with HF or jersey??
why don’t they think of crossing with Gir, Sahiwal, Tharparkar, Kankraje, Sindhi, Ongole/Neloor, Hariyanvi native cow/bulls.
People know the Devoni breed very well, then why they are contaminating its bloodline by crossing with PIG???
And in India no one talks about Selective breeding, embryo transfer technique.
Past 10 years I have been hearing, Devoni cows gives 1500 lts of milk per lactation.
Why it is not improved yet??? why don’t we keep history of each cow and bulls bloodline, why don’t we work on heard improvement?
I don’t know full aspects of animal husbandry run by Govt. not aware of the challenges they are facing.
Whatever thoughts I have in mind I just put across.
Please forgive me if you find anything offensive.
Thank you
ಮಾಹಿತಿ ತುಂಬ ಚನ್ನಾಗಿ ಮೂಡಿ ಬಂದಿದೆ
Excellent article and very informative.
Very nice information
Good information.. Very useful .. Must know to every veterinarian
Wery nic article
Nicely compelled and informative article
This article by Dr. Annarao contains good amount of information about Deoni cattle. I am sure you will reach out to more farmers so that they get more enconomically strong. Thank you for sharing a good piece of information.
Very nice information
Crisp, clear and miticulous notes. Highly informative
Nice article. Very informative
Excellent article.This information helps to strengthen the economic status of our farmers.
An informative article. Well written.
Very good information sir, it will be helpful to improve the economy of farmers….
Very nice information sir!
Very good information sir
Good information about Doeni breed…these basic charrcter of our one of the best native breed should be known by eveyone…very good infornation…
Nice and informative
Article covers comprehensive information on Deoni cattle breed and farmers success stories. Nice article.
Comprehensive coverage about the Deoni breed and farmers success stories, nice article.
Very Informative Artical. Desi breeds to be preserved and improved genetically by selection process. And should not be crossbred with exotic breeds. So artical like this should spred information on our breeds like deoni will help in nobel couse. Thank you Dr Annarao Patel for wonderful artical. Keep up your good work going. All the best
Nice informative article sir…
Very good information regarding deoni breed,will help farmer as well as veterinarians. All the best
Good information sir
Dr annarao patil not only veterinary doctor he is one our farmers God he isa hard worker he go to every village and visit to farmers house by his teo Wheeler vicle he is heart of the farmer specialy kalgi tq his article is super super from sharangouda patil kalgi farmer
Very good information, an eye opener about our native breed, covered all aspects of breed with good picture.
Good information about desi Deoni cattle
Very nice n informative article on deoni breed…
Dr Annarao the article on Deoni was very informative especially to northern part of Karnataka for both feld veterinarian and farmers. We expect you to write few more article near ahead …
Super information
Very nice information
Nice and informative article on deoni cattle
This article on Deoni cattle is very informative and useful to both vets in field and academics.
I wish this article win lots and lots of applaude and prize also
Good article sir
Nice informative article of our local breed Deoni
Very informative, excellent keep it up
Very good informative article sir…it is useful for both farmers and students…
Great work Dr.Annarao Patil, it will help farmers as well as field vets to a greater extent., Keep it up doctor..
Dr Annarao patil, Your article is very nice and need of the hour. Specially in North Karnataka region where the Deoni is having its breeding tract. And it also helps to farmers for the breeding of deoni cattle. It create a good data base of this Indian breed. I wish you best of luck and request you to write such type of articles in future also to create the awareness among vets.
It’s good & tqs for this kind of information
Sir its good breed, and v have deoni breed in our area.. and u nly knw.
Article u wrote its wrth for farmers thnk u for this breed information
Nice information sir
There’s a saying if you want to do something then do it willingly or else don’t do it.
This suits you very much sir when you are into the livestock research this kind of interest and deep learning about your subject makes you a excellent research scholar as well it elevates your potential in your practical experiences.
You have summarised each and every details of particular breed if any one goes through it can easily understand.
Nice article and expect more articles from you sir in near future.
Thank you
Very informative article on DEONI cattle
Its really helpful and instructive..
Good information about deoni cattle
Gud article sir👌👌
Good information 👌👌about our desi breed
Good information 👌👌
Nice article
Nice article..
Good article
A nice article and full of information about the breed and helpful for both farmers and vets.
Very good information sir about deoni cattle.👍👍👍
Awesome article sir ,articles are interested to read than the books
Awesome article
Good article
Nice article and informative , good information
Excellent information
Really it’s best article
Very nice article
Resourceful article sir… ☺
Nice article
Very nice article explained in short and sweet manner with more information about deoni cattle breed 👌👌it’s really a good work sir…
Nice article
Good work
Good article…Sir
Nice information sir
Ya it’s useful one, keep posting such articls
It’s good article and Informative.!
Nice article. Thanks for sharing
Very good article
Nice Article sir…really it holds attractive information with live examples
Nice Article sir
It is really very informative and good work
Good article sir 👏👏
Helpful article with a good info…!
Nice article sir
A much more useful informative on the most improving and useful breed at the southern mid states … very well illustrated and good article to be published 🙌🏻👍namma bidar namma hemme🐾
We got good information from this article.. Thank you sir
Nice and informative article sir..
Very good article.
Super information sir
This article related to native breed Deoni is very information, extension activity and dairy farming sectors…
Informative and well narrated artical sir
Informative… Nice article.
Excellent article on Deoni cattle breading & motivation for farmers to become entrepreneur on cattle farming.
Good article
Good one
Very good informative article about deony breed sir👏
Nice article
Nice one
Informative article…
Very nice article on desi cows and deoni is one of the beautiful desi cow.
Informativ article
Excellent work spread more awareness about local breeds sir.its very useful far all farming community.
Good Article ..great work…👌
Very good, provided the needed information and helpful for farmers
Nice information
Very good & quite informative article
Very nice, informative and helpfull article to the young farmers
Good information
Very informative.. Its a need of the hour to know abt and preserve Indigenous breeds.. We are loosing our indigenous pure breeds in the name of genetic upgradation..
Nice article doctor, really this information will definitely motivate our land farmers to go ahead with indigenous cattle breed like deoni cattle ..Hope in days ahead u bring articles on dairy farming with indigenous cattle and buffaloes….
Deoni being dual purpose breed is pride of farmers. Article is very informative covering all aspects about deoni breed.
Good information… very nicely explained…
Your are the one of the dynamic officer in animal husbandry dept of karnatak, you doing great job, keep it up sir. Always you will be remembered by Gulbarga farmers
Superb article sir
Informative article about our indigenous breed
It is good information about deoni.. usefull to our former Thank you sir
It is a good information about deoni ..usefull to our former Thanku sir
Very good and beautifully narrated
Very informative in a short article
Good information sir really awesome article
Good information and best article sir thanku sir
nice article ,this kind of work is needed to spread more awareness about our native breeds
Nice article
Nice article
Good article,
Very informative and useful article about a desi cattle breed
A good dual purpose native breed, it is being crossed with HF breed to obtain max performance of progenies, and this HF deoni cross is being popular for its milk production. But at the cost of loss of our native disease resistant desi breeds. ..
Informative…. Hope it will boost up farmers economy
Very good article about Deoni breed, you have broadely covered many aspects like origin, geographical distribution,breed characteristics. I like the part where author did a good extension work among farmers regarding creating awareness about deoni rearing-breeding-selling strategies for economic benifits…well done
Good article sir
Very useful information regarding the Deoni breed. The information provided in this article is helpful for the people who are undertaking dairy activities and planning for dairy farming.
Good article , regarding indigenous breed
Nice information.
Good article
Very nice article…. Awesome
Informative article about our region breed …
Very nice and informative article for farmers…
Good & informative
Good work , it’s informative literature.
Detailed of information on desi dual purpose cattle breed. Its more adoptive and suitable for agriculture activities and in milk production.
Good article and informative
Very nice article about Deoni desi cattle. It is a dual purpose Indian breeds performing better milk yield by cows & good draft power by bull & bullocks. The article came very nice with good pictures & illustrations.
This type of work is needed 👌👌
Very good
This type of work is needed for spread of valuable information..
Very nice work
Good article sir !
Nice and informativ article
Very nice information 👍
Awesome article
Good information about deoni cattle.
Explained nicely
Super Article Brother..
Very nice information
It is very informative and useful for uplifting farmers income.
Excellent and eye opening article, our society expects more from you
It’s really a good work.
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