In reference to earlier notice on recruitment in Bihar Animal Science University Dated 26.03.2020. The last date of submission of the applications for the recruitment of various teaching posts of the colleges of Bihar Animal Science University is as under:
1. Emp. Notice – 01/2020- University Professor-cum-Chief Scientist, Associate Professor-cum-Senior Scientist and Assistant Professor- cum- Junior Scientist, College of Fisheries, Kishanganj.
- Last date of Online submission is 15.06.2020 till 3pm
- Receipt of Last date of Hard Copy 30.06.2020 till 4pm
2. Emp. Notice – 02/2020- University Professor-cum-Chief Scientist, Associate Professor-cum-Senior Scientist and Assistant Professor-cum- Junior Scientist, Sanjay Gandhi Institute of Dairy Technology, Patna.
- Last date of submission of duly filled Application form in offline mode 20.06.2020 till 3pm
- Candidates those who have applied earlier in respect to Emp. Not. 07/2019 must submit revised score card as per Emp. Not. 02/2020 and additional information; if any, till 20.06.2020 at 3.00 PM.
3. Emp. Notice -04/2020- Assistant Professor-cum-Junior Scientist, Bihar Veterinary College, Patna.
- Last date of Online submission is 15.06.2020 till 3pm
- Receipt of Last date of Hard Copy 30.06.2020 till 4pm
Candidates are requested to refer the University website for update information. Address for sending Hard copies of application form is The Registrar, Bihar Animal Sciences University, P.O. Bihar Veterinary College, Patna, Pin 800014, BIHAR
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