Himachal Pradesh starts fish export to neighbouring states: Virender Kanwar


Animal husbandry and fisheries minister here today said that the state government has started export of fisheries from its reservoirs to neighbouring states/UTs of Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh and Delhi.

He said that total of 600 Metric Tonnes of fish  valuing Rs. 683 Lakh  has been produced from various fisheries resources up to May 2020 after the lockdown was opened in the state which was  exported to neighbouring states/UTs and also have been sold in markets within the state . Total 17549 kg fish were sold in various retail outlets in the state after April 2020. The state has exported around 743.25 Metric Tonnes fish valuing Rs. 1857.73 lakh during the year 2019-2020 he added.

 He said that the export of fisheries was affected due to lockdown but now the situation has begun to improve and soon the department would further strengthen the fisheries activities. There is huge potential to increase state fish exports to neighbouring states in the coming years, the government plans to promote export of Exotic Carps, IMC, Singhara and Trout etc. in big way due to high demand  and remunerative  prices.

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He said that Exotic Carps, IMC, Singhara and Trout etc. fish cultivation will be promoted through self help groups, fish cooperative societies, Private entrepreneurs in the coming years , adding that the state  is working in its reservoir  and trout clusters to create major export hub for fisheries .

 Virender Kanwar said that the state has registered fish production of  around 14020.14 Metric Tonnes during the year  2019-20 while by September, 2020 anticipated fish production in the state is likely to be recorded around  3000 Metric Tonnes.

The fisheries department is using IT enabled services  to keep fisherman updated on various policies , programmes   of the departments and update them on market conditions to enable them to get remunerative prices for their catch.The department has created a Whatsapp  group to seek suggestions , demands , grievances etc of the fishermen which are addressed on priority

 Fisheries  export-hub will be created in the state  reservoirs and trout areas  where export varieties of fishes like Singhara, carps and Rainbow Trout will be promoted, adding that modern technology will be adopted in improving fisheries sector.

 He said that the Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY ) would create fisheries infrastructure, reduce post-harvest losses, modernise and strengthen value chain and double export earnings. Besides, it also aims to encourage private investment and generate additional jobs opportunities in fisheries sector to unemployed youths over the next five years.

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  The Government took several steps to encourage fisheries activities during lockdown and 76,650 fish seeds were made available to the private fish farmers and 77,245 fish seeds were stocked in fish cages at Bhakra Dam, Bilaspur after April 20,2020.

   In order to maintain the production rate of fish in the state, 5,900 kg trout feed was provided to various trout farms in different parts of the state and 3,239 kg trout feed was also provided to private trout farmers. After 20 April, 2020 total 17549 kg fish were sold in various retail outlets in the state.

He said that the Department of Fisheries have released a Rs. 1.07 crore relief package to 5350 state reservoir fishermen for compensating the losses accrued due to COVID-19 Virus outbreak in the state. Each fisherman was given a financial assistance of Rs. 2000 for a period of almost one month halt in fishing activities.

ALSO READ :  Blue Revolution Integrated Development and Management of Fisheries

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