Azolla-As Livestock Feed


About Azolla

  • Azolla is a aquatic floating fern which resembles as algae.
  • The fern appears as a green mat over water.
  • Normally azolla is grown in paddy fields or shallow water bodies.
  • Azolla multiplies very rapidly.

Azolla as fodder/ feed

  • Rich in proteins, essential amino acids, vitamins (vitamin A, vitamin B12 and Beta- Carotene), growth promoter intermediaries and minerals like calcium, phosphorous, potassium, ferrous, copper, magnesium
  • Dry weight basis, it contains 25 – 35 percent protein, 10 – 15 percent minerals and 7 – 10 percent of amino acids, bio-active substances and bio-polymers.
  • Livestock easily digest it, owing to its high protein and low lignin content.
  • Azolla can be mixed with concentrates or can be given directly to livestock
  • Can also be fed to poultry, sheep, goats, pigs and rabbits.

Nutrition wise comparison of Azolla with other fodder


Item Annual production of biomass (MT/ha) Dry matter content (MT/ha)

Protein content (%)


Hybrid Napier





Kolakattao grass



























80 24

Azolla Production

  • The soil in the area is first cleared of weeds and leveled.
  • Bricks are lined horizontally in a rectangular fashion.
  • A UV stabilized silpauline sheet of 2mX2m size is uniformly spread over the bricks in such a way as to cover the margin of the rectangle made by the bricks.
  • 10cm standing water are maintained in pit.
  • 10-15 kg of sieved soil, 2 kg cow dung slurry and 30 g of Super Phosphate mixed in 10 liters of water, is mixed in water in pit.
  • About 0.5-1kg of pure azolla culture seed is spread uniformly over the water, after mild stirring of soil and water in the azolla bed.
  • Fresh water    should   be   sprinkled   over the       azolla    immediately after inoculation to make the azolla plants upright.
  • In a week’s time, the azolla spreads all over the bed and develops a thick mat like appearance.
  • A mixture of 20 g of Super Phosphate and about 1 kg of cow dung should be added once in 5 days in order to maintain rapid multiplication.
  • A micronutrient mix containing magnesium, iron, copper, sulphur etc., can also be added at weekly intervals to enhance the mineral content of azolla.
  • About 5 kg of bed soil should be replaced with fresh soil, once in 30 days, to avoid nitrogen build up and prevent micro-nutrient deficiency.
  • 25 to 30 percent of the water also needs to be replaced with fresh water, once every 10 days, to prevent nitrogen build up in the bed.
  • The bed should be cleaned, the water and soil replaced and new azolla inoculated once every six months.
  • A fresh bed has to be prepared and inoculated with pure culture of azolla, when contaminated by pest and diseases.
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  • Will grow rapidly and fill the pit within 10 – 15 From then on, 500 – 600 g of azolla can be harvested daily.
  • Can be done every day from the15th day onwards with the help of a plastic sieve or tray with holes at the bottom.
  • The harvested azolla should be washed in fresh water to get rid of the cow dung smell.
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Alternative Inputs

  • Fresh biogas slurry may also be used.
  • Waste water from bathroom and cattle shed can also be used to fill the pit. In areas where there is a problem of fresh water availability, the water left after washing clothes (after the second rinsing) can also be used.

Environmental factors for the growth

  • Temperature 20°C – 28°C
  • Light 50% full sunlight
  • Relative Humidity 65 – 80%
  • Water (standing in the tank) 5 – 12 cm
  • pH 4-7.5

Points to be noted during cultivation of azolla

  • Washing in a net will be useful as it will allow small plantlets to get out, and they can be poured back in to the pond.
  • Care should be taken to retain the temperature below 25°
  • Shade nets can be used to cut the light intensity.
  • The azolla biomass should be removed daily to avoid over crowding.


Precaution to be adopted

  • Maintenance of pure culture free from contamination is essential for good yield.
  • Azolla should be harvested regularly to avoid overcrowding.
  • Temperature is an important factor for good growth. It should be around 35 degrees Celsius. The fodder plot is to be covered with a plastic sheet in cold regions so as to reduce the impact of cold weather.
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  1. Azolla: As a potential livestock feed | epashupalan

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