ICAR – Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Mukteswar invites applicatyion from elegible candiates for the post of YOUNG PROFESSIONAL-II (ONE POSITION) at IVRI, Mukteswar Campus, Nainital, Uttarakhand.
Project Name: ICAR-Consortia Research Platform on Vaccines & Diagnostics, ICAR funded project on “Development of an antigen capture ELISA for detection of bluetongue virus antigen”
Essential Qualification: Masters degree in the discipline of Veterinary Science /Biotechnology/ Molecular Biology/ Biochemistry/ Microbiology/ Bacteriology/ Virology/ Immunology or Life
Desirable work Experience: Experience of handling mammalian and insect cell culture, Biochemical techniques/ Molecular Biology tools/ Immunological techniques/ cell lines and propagation of viruses.
Emoluments: Rs. 25,000/- per month as a consolidated emoluments as per ICAR guidelines
Age limit: Minimum Age limit is 21 years and maximum age limit is 45 years on the date of interview (relaxation as per GOI rules)
Date, Time & venue:
Date: 18 December, 2020
Time : 11.00 AM
Venue: Division of Virology, ICAR- Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Mukteswar Campus, Nainital, Uttarakhand. PIN- 263138
How to apply: Eligible candidates may send an advanced application along with CV including permanent address, email and contact number, colored passport size photo and copy of other relevant documents (certificates, publications etc), to Dr. Karam Chand, Scientist & Co-PI, ICAR-Consortia Research Platform on Vaccines & Diagnostics, Division of Virology, ICAR – Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Mukteswar, 263 138 Uttarakhand; Email Id: virusshield@gmail.com
The short-listed candidates will be communicated for online interview through suitable web platforms/programs etc. The selected candidate will be called along with the original documents for verification.
Name of PI/ Contact person: Dr. Karam Chand, Scientist, Division of Virology, ICAR- IVRI, Mukteswar, Uttarakhand
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