Civil Engineer turned Entrepreneur finds opportunity in Dairy


Name: Abhishek Singh
Profession: Dairy & Poultry Farmer
Place: Village Khola Chauri, Pauri-Garhwal

On April 5 2016, the Honorable Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Damodar Modi announced Start-up Schemes. The aim for these schemes are to promote and motivate today’s youth to move out of their comfort zone and take a step towards developing their dream into reality. It was a master stroke from our Honorable Prime Minister as this would also increase the number of skilled labors in our country. These schemes will also provide them with alternate ways of earning and hence can be useful in decreasing the migration from the hilly areas in Uttarakhand State.

Recently, Mr. Abhishek Singh a civil engineer by degree approached Chief Veterinary Office, Pauri with a project report of a Dairy Project. He aimed towards creating a Dairy farm. Instead of using traditional methods, he planned on using technology to produce milk from Cross-Hybrid Cows. He also did training in Dairy Farming from NDRI, Karnal, which boosted his morale and motivated him.

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The project was planned to be setup in the Village Khola-Chauri, Pauri-Garhwal, Uttarakhand. Mr. Abhishek Singh, the Civil Engineer and future entrepreneur started this Dairy Project with 3 Cows in May 2017, with time and experience, today Dairy farm has 12 Cows with Capacity of Approximately 120 L/Day of milk production with 8 Cows in proper lactation. The milk is packed at the farm and then sent to the local market of Pauri City within 15 km radius of the farm. The brand is fully registered with FSSAI registration by the name “Atulya”.

Dairy farm is having a facility of thirty cows with mechanized milking, chilling and Packaging Facilities. The milk is sold to the market under strict hygienic and cold chain conditions to avoid spoilage and freshness of the milk.

Currently, five local villagers including two women are employed at the farm which helps them make an earning to support their families. The project is loaned by Uttarakhand Gramin Bank, Pauri-Garhwal, under Dairy Development Entrepreneurship Scheme, which runs under the guidance of NABARD. Many NGOs visit the farm for their educational training in dairy farming to educate local people with the basics and modern way of dairy farming, in order to motivate them to start something of their own to add an additional source of income to their family and for better life of their families.

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Mr Abhishek Singh also showed some interest in starting a Poultry Project as an integration to his on-going Diary Project, So by looking at his dedication CVO, Pauri sanctioned “Mother Poultry Unit”. This turned out to be a good decision, as with the help of Mother Poultry Unit Project, around 90 Beneficiaries are benefited with this project which helps in increasing their income.

It’s good to see today’s youth work hard to realize their dreams. These kind of projects also helps in generating employment to the locals and also, to motivate others to do such Animal Husbandry activities which definitely generate some income in their families and which further helps to decline the migration of youth from hilly areas of Uttarakhand. Animal Husbandry Department, Uttarakhand will always support and help such ventures which inspires, today’s youth and spread awareness among young generation to start something of their own.

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