Never believe that animal suffer less than human. Pain is the same for them that it is for us. Even worse, because they cannot help themselves-Louis J. Camuti
In Dec. 2019, people suffered from a pneumonia of an unknown case, firstly reported in Wuhan city of China. And in few months, the whole world was fighting against a viral pandemic caused by SARS coronavirus-2 or novel corona virus. This outbreak reached each and every part of the globe, sickened billions of people, millions of people died and wreaked havoc on economy.
But question arises, why this is called novel corona virus? In 2005, same pneumonia causing virus was reported in China nvetamed SARS-COV-1 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) and other one in Saudi Arabia, 2013 named MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome). According to researchers, these diseases transferred from animals.
Bonding of SARS CoV-2 with Animals & Humans
According to the studies, researchers suggested that this pandemic issue occurred due unnatural consumption of food (bats). Bats are found on all continents except Antarctica, bats also are recognized as reservoir hosts for which can cross species barriers (i.e., “spill over”) to infect humans and other domestic and wild animals. But exact root cause of novel corona virus is still unknown.
Although the bat is considered as a reservoir host, but if the human interfere the food chain (ecosystem) or due to aberrant food habits, history has witness that kind of pandemic coming into an existence.
OIE & WVA Statement
On March 18, a joint statement from the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) and World Veterinary Association (WVA) said “Veterinarians are an integral part of the global health community”. Beyond the activities linked to the health and welfare of the animals, they have a key role in disease prevention and management, including those transmissible to human and ensure food safety for the populations.
Response of Veterinarians
Being a genuine person is the integral part of veterinary profession, it is to admit that we don’t know the certain factoid about the virus, in fact not everybody knows and the research is still going on and the new strains is also emerging in different part of the country but we should strengthens the relationship with the famers.
A normal rectitude of many farmers and animal owners is that, “Are veterinarians knowledgeable about the pandemic issue?”, then there is a meritorious opportunity to they show their responses to them. Whatever we are educating the farmers and animal owners on the importance of parasite infections, delicate discussion about surgical complications.
The confidence that brace up those conversation is built, in part, on those on the notoriety that we enact with them during the time of crisis. During pandemic, when there is shorting of doctors, veterinarian plays integral role via door to door visit and routinely checkup of the animals in cities as well as in villages.

Can Animals also get infected from Novel Coronavirus?
There are many debates still going on regarding animals that they are also getting infected with SARS CoV-2. According to the various news articles, two dogs in Hong Kong, a cat in Belgium, tigers and lions at the Bronx zoo, mink in the Netherland have tested positive for the virus. Currently, there is no such evidence that demonstrate or certify that the domestic animals or any animal can serve as a source for human infection with SARS CoV-2.
Is my Animal Suffering from SARS CoV-2?
To be sure, COVID-19 is a disease almost entirely exclusive to humans. The COVID-19 like illness is seen in animals but these sign and symptoms occur due to other cause. But the animal can act as a secondary source of infection. And the question arises, how?
For example, if a person is suffering from SARS CoV-2 and comes in contact with the animal due to fomites (either sneezing or coughing), the droplets drop on the body surface and adheres. Now the body coat of the animal act as a secondary source of infection and when the animal comes in contact with healthy person, it may infect them, but there is no any adverse effect seen in animals.

How a Vet solves the Farmer’s question?
Nowadays, farmers are much worried about the health and maintenance of their animals, and being a veterinarian we should solve their problem and give proper guidance. Some important points which are veterinarians’ duty to discuss with the animal owner.
- The corona virus infection that transpire in animal is completely different from novel corona virus.
- The examples of corona virus that infect the small animals like Feline enteric corona virus, Canine coronavirus whereas in large animal Bovine coronavirus.
- Corona viral infection also occurs in swine and in poultry birds.
- The corona virus that infect animals is completely different from the novel corona virus.
- Many news articles published that people left their pets. Don’t relinquish your pet.
This is the time of pandemic. Nobody will fight alone, we all are together to fight against this global pandemic. Not only the humans but animals too, although all the research work and trials are firstly tested on animals. So come together and fight against this pandemic.
Nicely written by all of you👍