Importance of Antibiotic Sensitivity Test in treating Bovine Mastitis
Mastitis is one of the most important economical diseases of dairy cattle. Generally, the clinical form of mastitis divided into mild, moderate or severe. >>>
Mastitis is one of the most important economical diseases of dairy cattle. Generally, the clinical form of mastitis divided into mild, moderate or severe. >>>
Anti diabetic The antidiabetic properties of camel milk are thought to be due to a >>>
Minerals are crucial for the structural component of an animal’s body as well as the function of enzymes, hormones and minerals are also the essential components of bodily fluids, tissues, and regulators of cell division and differentiation >>>
It is a disease caused by a pox virus. In this, 2 to 5 cm diameter lumps fall in the body of cow buffalo. For this reason, this disease is called lumpy skin disease in colloquial language. These knots are mainly around the head, neck, udder various genitals. Which later turns into a deep wound. >>>
Development of livestock sector is not only important for overall economic growth, but it is also essential for improving the economic condition of a large number of poor rural households >>>
Progeny testing refers to evaluation of bulls on the basis of their daughter’s performance. Progeny testing is of two types, field based and farm based >>>
Dairy products provide a package of essential nutrients that is difficult to obtain in low-dairy or dairy-free diets, and for many people it is not possible to achieve recommended daily calcium intakes with a dairy-free diet >>>
Milk fever is a common metabolic or production disease found in high producing dairy cows. It generally occurs within 24 hours postpartum but can occur up to 2-3 days post calving. >>>
Abstract When a conceptus dies suddenly before Day 42 of pregnancy, it is referred to >>>
These trainings are also useful for rural women as they can add more value to the milk by making Paneer, Khoa, Milk cake, Shrikhand, Ice-cream, Dahi, Lassi, Kaladi etc. >>>
Culling is the practice of removing undesirable animal from the herd either by killing or by selling them. There are several reasons to cull the animals although the majority of them are economic >>>
Cyanide, a notorious poison from historical times, has caught attention owing to its extreme and >>>
Commercial advancement in late 1970s Objectives Acceleration and proliferation of genetic material (complete genome male +female, in AI only male) Fertilized embryos transported around the >>>
Medicinal properties of camel milk Camels are the most important species of animals in Rajasthan, India. They are multipurpose animals as they produce milk, meat, hide and also used for other >>>