Poultry Farming

Eggs: Myths vs. Facts

Eggs; the little oval white/brown structures laid by poultry have always been on the receiving end of misconceptions in Indian society. As a matter of fact, ‘Pandora’s box’ of myths associated with Fisher’s private thing has spread as fast as the stupendous development of poultry industry in India. >>>

Poultry Farming

Vices of Poultry: An Overview

The word vice comes from the Latin word vitium, meaning “failing or defect”. In other words, it is a fault, defect, an immoral, wicked or evil habit/ action/ trait, a degrading practice, habitual abnormal behavior of a destructive kind regardless of the legality or objective harm involved. >>>

Animal Diseases

Chronic respiratory disease in poultry: Case report

Chronic respiratory disease (CRD) is an economically important disease of poultry. A case of CRD was recorded from a village. Post mortem examination was conducted and tentatively diagnosed as chronic respiratory disease. The birds were treated with Megadox-N and Immuplus for consecutive 7 days and advised to maintain proper hygienic measures and adequate ventilation. >>>