Milking management: Machine milking
Milking management: Machine milking Harmonious interaction between milker and cow is of utmost importance with regard to the amount of milk a cow produces and >>>
Milking management: Machine milking Harmonious interaction between milker and cow is of utmost importance with regard to the amount of milk a cow produces and >>>
Rooftop Hydroponic Sheep Farming- New scientific production systems which urban areas are evolving on rooftop i.e., vertical farming that are soil free, focus >>>
Jharkhand Public Service Commission (JPSC) has released the job notification for 124 (Regular) and 42 (Backlog) Veterinary Doctor vacancies. The educational qualification for recruitment is B.V.Sc >>>
African swine fever is one of them. It is an important viral disease of pig which is responsible for major economic loses in the pig industry worldwide. African >>>
Mixed crop-livestock systems account for most of the meat and milk production in Asia. These resource-poor households typically grow crops, often at the subsistence level, earning whatever off-farm >>>
Introduction In the present situation, the Zika virus is one of the most significant new viruses. The Zika virus was named after the Zika forest in Uganda, where it was discovered in a rhesus mac >>>
“There is a need for climate-resilient agriculture and to intensify research on development of disease-resistant varieties for different crops for the different agro-climatic regions of the country” >>>
Introduction Reproductive success in dairy animals is a key to economic sustainability of livestock enterprise. A successful dairy management aims at achieving the goal of one calf per year for m >>>
There is an urgent need of development of area specific mineral mixture (ASMM) for different regions and states of the country in order to ensure supplementation >>>
There were, however, physicians who specialized only in the care of the animals or even in one class of animals; the greatest of all of them was Shalihotra >>>
Ms. Suchitra Durai, Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of Thailand received the prestigious “King Bhumibol World Soil Day – 2020 Award” of FAO on the behalf of the Indian Council of Agricultural Re >>>
Poultry industry has shown significant growth in India as well as in the world by bringing paradigm shift in its structure and operation. Poultry industry has turned out to be self-sufficient >>>
Hydrocephalus is an accumulation of excessive fluid in dura matter or ventricles of the brain thereby leading to the swelling of the cranium (Long, 2001). Congenital hydrocephalus can be internal or >>>
Pig farming is an age old practice in rural India. Much of the pig farming comprises of rearing indigenous pigs with poor production performance. >>>